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Terrifying Tools

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The post hole digger reminds me of another tool that scares me, I got 18 stitches and a broken jaw from a Metabo drill running a 3/8 x 16" auger bit. The trigger lock on the drill would frequently stick and the skinny auger bit wobbled when hot, combine that with loose clothing and you get an accident waiting to happen. I was working on the bench and when I pulled the drill from my work the bit grabbed my shirt, wound up and smacked me in the face. I could feel the tip running back and forth across my gut, and when my navy blue shirt split up the back and pulled over my head I thought my lights were going out for good. My jaw bone must have fit neatly into the spiral of the auger because my face was cut in a perfect curl from the corner of my mouth, along the bottom of my jaw, and under my chin. The drill never stopped running until it hit the floor after my shirt ripped free and I could toss it. I was the third guy in the shop to get cut with that drill, one guy drilled a hole through his shoe scuffing up his foot and the other took a chunk out of his calf when it grabbed his pant leg, it was in the trash when I returned to work.

Six weeks of spaghetti o's and jello, the only food that I could get in my mouth, was at least as painful that the accident.


Shit - That really Sucks.

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#1 for me is ladders. It's not the height, it's the fact that if they break or slip, you can't stop what is going to happen. #2 is chainsaws. Even when you think you are doing everything safe, something weird can happen and you can get chewed up bad or trapped by the lumber. #3 has to be a computer key board, dang, I mean I've really got in hot water by misspelling things like "check your assets" [:-sour]

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