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Does this remind you of the HomeLink program. You all know we brought about their demise here in Florida a few years ago much to the distain of U.S. Inspect. If I'm not mistaken U.S. Inspect was, at one time, the favorite child of the conceirge program or maybe visa versa.


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This is only the first shot across the bow from our zodiak boat. CB just may open up with a broad side. They want to control every aspect of the transaction and the inspection is the one place that they don't have complete control (unless they control the "listed" inspectors)they aren't going to give it up that easily.

These 3 guys are all good friends of mine and I have learned a lot from them over the years. It came to a head in our area and they had the guts to speak up and let the chips fall where they may. I commend them for that. It was necessary. Now brace yourselves.


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I can't speak to what's going on in Pennsylvania, but I think it's interesting how that concierge program and the attitudes of the CB realtors differs across the U.S..

Here in the Seattle region I haven't heard anything about any inspection companies paying to be part of it and I've known about its existence here for more than 4 years. In fact, some of the most ethical real estate agents I know in this region are CB agents that regularly refer my company, along with others that are also tough on houses, to their clientelle.

I wonder if the difference in attitudes has something to do with the demographics of various areas?



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