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Missing Kid: Kyron Horman

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My theory,

He walked away from his group to use the restroom and he ran into someone he knows well enough to trust and that person got him to walk out with him/her on some pretext. He would have been a willling participant or someone coming to the fair would have noticed a kid struggling with an adult.

The local PD and the FBI will be focus first on the biological mother and next on school staff and then parents and siblings of other students who know the child and who might have come to the school to see the science fair and then left with the kid.

They should (probably are) check every single traffic camera tape beginning an hour before she said she brought him to the school and afterward to see whether they'll see her car with two occupants enroute to the school and with only one going the opposite direction. Same thing for other cars. Get the plate numbers/descriptions of cars belonging to school staff and parents of other kids and then look for those cars during the kidnap window on the tape to see how many occupants are in those cars. If someone who was supposed to have dropped off his/her kid at the school is seen driving away with another occupant in the car - that person would be worth looking at more closely.

Unless his biological mother took him, don't expect a good outcome.



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