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Support Those Who Protect Us

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There is an intrinsic sense of right and wrong that is ingrained in our upbringing, and Our servicemen and women perform the way they do out of a sense of discipline and tradition, because it is our way and what separates Americans, as a people, from nearly all other cultures.

I know from experience that as the holidays approach the troops, particularly those who're overseas in war zones, are going to experience some loneliness and depression. I also remember well how uplifted I felt to have received so many encouraging letters and cards from people back home - even those who were opposed to why I was where I was, but who supported my decision to perform to my utmost while in uniform.

Regardless of anyone's political leanings, I'm sure you all support our brave men and women, who every day are sent into harm's way and do their duty, regardless of whether they themselves think it is the right thing to do. So, I'm asking you to show them how you feel.

There is a new website up, AmericaSupportsYou.mil, which is devoted to showing support for our troops. Please check it out and, if you can, participate.

Here's the link: http://www.AmericaSupportsYou.mil



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