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interNACHI Forums

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I was Googlin' some information and ended up following a link that took me to the interNACHI forums.

What on earth is going on over there??? There is so much angst, bitterness, and hatred for any anything/anyone associated with ASHI. What on earth did ASHI ever do to Nick? Does anyone know the history behind this? I'm not going to cross-link because attention is what they're seeking and it's not worth the electrons. Takes me right back to a grade school playground though.

BTW, your name popped up there a few times Mike - I'm not sure if you're disliked as much, or more, than ASHI - I'd say it a pretty even race.

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I was Googlin' some information and ended up following a link that took me to the interNACHI forums.

What on earth is going on over there??? There is so much angst, bitterness, and hatred for any anything/anyone associated with ASHI. What on earth did ASHI ever do to Nick? Does anyone know the history behind this? I'm not going to cross-link because attention is what they're seeking and it's not worth the electrons. Takes me right back to a grade school playground though.

BTW, your name popped up there a few times Mike - I'm not sure if you're disliked as much, or more, than ASHI - I'd say it a pretty even race.

Yeah, I know. The folks over there don't like it when someone comes over there and actually uses truth to challenge some of the goofy stuff that their imperious leader and some of the whackjobs that dominate that board are constantly spewing.

I was sorry to hear the Gerry Beaumont has died though; he was the one spark of sanity and decency on that board.

For relief, there is a better solution; just go to http://www.inachi.org



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