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Same house, different buyer

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I know this topic has been brought up before, but I still need to get some advice. I did a 2 year old home last week Wednesday. This was new construction that was never lived in and foreclosed on by the bank.

This place had multiple problems and the original buyer decided to walk away.

I got call over the weekend to do the very same house for a different buyer.

Now, I've re-inspected other buildings before for separate buyers before, but never 4 days apart. How would you handle this? New report? Fee-paid walk through inspection?

Thanks for your help.


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This has happened to me about 3 times. I charge like any inspection. I read my old report (I bring it with me) and look at everything all over again. It's interesting. You might have missed some things. Your new report may be more insightful.

I did one and reported termite activity. When I did the next, all the tubes were cleaned up and only because I had been there before did I notice the tube traces on the foundation. Bad, savvy, naughty, bad seller.

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What Jim said. Just be wary of finding something the second time around that you didn't see the first time. No one is gonna buy your explanation for it, not when they're just 4 days apart.


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This has happened to me about 3 times. I charge like any inspection. I read my old report (I bring it with me) and look at everything all over again. It's interesting. You might have missed some things. Your new report may be more insightful.

I did one and reported termite activity. When I did the next, all the tubes were cleaned up and only because I had been there before did I notice the tube traces on the foundation. Bad, savvy, naughty, bad seller.

So how did you write it up?????

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I agree with Lord Katen, except that I'd say:

No problem,

new inspection,

same fee,

new report.

In my brief career, I've inspected the same house in my own hometown 4 times now and seen new things.

When you opt for another opinion after your PCP sees you, what does that physician charge?

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