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Great combination!

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I get a little creeped out when I see this many guns in someone's house.

If I had the time or interest in learning how to use the panoramic feature on my camera, you would see some of the more medieval weaponry in this room. I thought this one was good because it should the liquor bottles in it too.

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Years ago there was a bowling alley not too far from me. Of course there was a cocktail lounge in it, but it also had a gun range. Makes for an interesting Saturday night I guess.

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A neighbor's house across the street caught fire late one evening 2 years ago from the explosion of a propane powered gas grille. The guy is a former NJ state trooper and had so much ammunition in various rooms of the house that all the firemen could do is watch it burn until it died out on it's own at about 9 am. Bullets could be heard going off throughout the night and hundreds of boxes of unspent rounds were found in blackened drawer chests in more than one room of the house after the fire.


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That's nothing. I know of a Gasthaus next to a campground in the black forest in Bavaria. I had my guys in the Black Forest for a 5-day land navigation exercise/competition and they were bedded down in the campground. I walked over to the gasthaus to get a coke and struck up a conversation with the proprietor. He was apparently impressed with my German and my troops. After a while he said, "Hey, you want to see something?" "Sure," I said, "What's up?" He took me to the back hall of the building, released a hidden catch, swung a whole shelf full of liquor out of the way and then we went down under the building into a 25ft. by 12ft. room that looked like the Armory for a regiment. The guy had just about every light arm that you could imagine - even some with US markings on them - and a ton of Nazi and WWII memorabilia. The gun racks were set up like the paneling display at Home Depot with "pages" of weapons and there were at least a dozen heavy machine guns.

Outside behind the garage he pulled a panel away from the back wall of the foundation. It was covering a sort of cave he'd hollowed out under the garage. Parked inside was a pristine - like it had just rolled off the assembly line - 1943 Willys jeep. He'd replaced the engine with a Mercedes 4-cylinder because he didn't want to put wear on the original engine, which sat behind the jeep on a wood engine stand completely covered with cosmoline.

Now THAT was a serious collector. I sometimes wonder how that guy is doing. I almost went to visit him the last time I was in Germany but didn't get the chance.



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Back when I did carpenter work I did some door and trim upgrade for a little guy who wore a big iron on his hip, was a bail-bondsman and a realtor, and who had a gun of some sort standing in the corner of every room in the house.

I can only speculate about what size his "package" might have been.

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