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Holy cow am I swamped. I have a erie feeling though that come May 1st I'll be feeling like the Maytag repair man.

How ya'all doing out there? Feels like the good old days doesn't it?

For me, this is the good old days.

I've done more this month than from January 1 to this month.

The lawn is getting shaggy.

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Love Jamaica. I spent a total of 6 weeks in 1979 staying with friends in Montego Bay. It included my first Christmas dinner in shorts (seemed odd at the time). I have only vague memories of smoking a lot of something there, but I'm fairly sure it wasn't cigars.

About the only thing I envy about you guys on the east coast is your easy (short) access to the various Caribbean islands.

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Been stupid busy here since about last Oct. 152 inspections from Jan 1 through today. Going to Jamaica this Thursday with my bride of 23 years to celebrate our anniversary. Plan on having a few Monticristo "A" while there.

23 years. Good for you both!

Have a great vacation.

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Booked right up until I have to leave for Chi Town on the 5th and I've already booked three jobs for after the 9th of May.

Been swamped for the past year. Everything seemed to have busted loose around April '09 after a dismal post election day period. Over the past three weeks, I've referred 3 times as many jobs to some other local guys as I've taken in.



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I should move. Northeast....Northwest...or just plain North. Either that or select a different set of parents....the kind without that deafness gene.

It ain't fair.


http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A ... 2F&h=c20ad

Check this out, Marc. My uncle is deaf, so I grew up learning sign.

He's part of this group on FB. He wanted me to join, but I told him I don't trust deaf people.

We bust each other's balls a lot. LOL

At the very least, It's free advertising.

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I don't care for them deaf folk myself. They're always a pain in the neck, can't understand anything when you talk to them.[;)]

Seriously, I don't join online social networks. They are the main vehicle used by hackers to propagate their 'inventions'.

Appreciate your comments anyway Gary.


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It's been variable for me for the last month, some good weeks with some dogs thrown in between. Then the phone started ringing Thursday and I am booked solid for this next week. We'll see how it does after the 30th.[:-magnify

Here's hoping the "recovery" outlasts the tax credit.[:-thumbu]

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Today, while looking on the internet for directions to a REO inspection, I came across a report that stated the foreclosures were up 19% in March over February and 9% over last March. They also predicted 2010 would see more foreclosures then 2009.

The bubble that we have been in, in the last couple of week (caused by government money), may be about to burst.

Just thought I would try and burst some bubbles.

Have a nice week.

Ezra Malernee

Canton, Ohio

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Food, shelter, clothing, .........iPod......

Folks gotta have housing, they're figuring out the realtor sucker punch from the blowout, who ya gonna call?

Home Inspectors!

Rates are going to go up, not by much, but we all know they're going up. Inflation will follow, as it always does. Lottsa folks want to get in the house now, not later.

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Seriously, I don't join online social networks.

That's a really odd statement to post to here, an online social network, don't you think?


TIJ is more technical than social, wouldn't you agree? Membership is mostly by home inspectors and we're not here to meet and try to date each other. The forum software is from a different category also, in use by many other professions. At least I haven't yet heard of hackers using small forums such as this one to spread viruses.


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Seriously, I don't join online social networks.

That's a really odd statement to post to here, an online social network, don't you think?


TIJ is more technical than social, wouldn't you agree? Membership is mostly by home inspectors and we're not here to meet and try to date each other. The forum software is from a different category also, in use by many other professions. At least I haven't yet heard of hackers using small forums such as this one to spread viruses.


Wait a minute. That link I posted wasn't for dating. I believe it has more to do with real estate networking. Did you look at it?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I hear ya Ezra. I've been completely buried for two months. However the start of May is very slow. I was wondering how things would change after the money dried up.

Could be an interesting month or remainder of the year....

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