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Well I'm here, and I can report two things already.

A. It takes 13 hours to drive from Columbus, MS to Austin, TX.

B. Stories of Scott Patterson's snoring have NOT been exagerrated.

Jim Morrison and I had lunch at the Iron Cactus (it was okay). One is hard pressed to find any menu items here that do not involve peppers, onions, or avacado (or all of the above. Bring your antacid.

Brian G.

Temporary Texan

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Wrote Brian Goodman:

"On the other hand, the Hilton wants $145 a night for a single!?! For that money it should come with a hot, disease-free hooker every night! "

Well, Brian found that on the 25th floor, you can bunk in with the ASHI glitterati, and I don't know about disease free, but nobody from Mississippi is sleeping alone at InspectionWorld.

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Originally posted by Jim Morrison

Well, Brian found that on the 25th floor, you can bunk in with the ASHI glitterati, and I don't know about disease free, but nobody from Mississippi is sleeping alone at InspectionWorld.

Jimmy's so cute when he's being catty & jealous, isn't he?

Brian G.

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We're here too! Yes, I'm from Mississippi and I'm not sleeping alone. Of course my wife is much cuter than Scott and she doesn't snore. (WE LEFT THE KIDS AT HOME!!!) We only took 8.5 hours to drive here from Jackson. (My wife drove 1/2 of it and she doesn't speed - much).

Oh, our hotel is only 4 miles away and we're paying less than 60 a night. It also comes with a nice hot breakfast, free drinks at night and snacks. It may not be nearly as fancy as the "HILTON" but it's clean, nice and affordable, plus we get Drury Inn Points.

Dinner was great - way too much food, some is in our fridge here in the room. We ate at Pappadeaux Seafood Kitchen - GREAT Cajun food. My wife may regret what I ate but I loved it.

See ya'll tomorrow.

Oh, Scott - Sandy wants to know if we are going out for dinner this year. Are you bringing your date? Last year we have strange memories of hot air up your leg. Bring back any memories?


Sandy and I offset the I.Q. changes in Mississippi and Texas caused by the other guys.

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Well so far I've been in seminars about plumbing (Kenny Hart), alternative energies (Douglas Hansen), fireplaces (Dale Feb), and AFCI's (Douglas again). I haven't bought a meal in two days. I've met all but a few of the people I was hoping for (where you is, Lord Jim & Walter J.?), and some I didn't expect. Fabulous conference!

Brian G.

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Just remember, should you or someone you know wake up in a strange place and do not know how to speak the language, the following phrase is all you need to know. Practive until you can speak it in your sleep!

"Uno masa cervaza por favor Senorita!"

Note to self: Must get "Spelling in Spanish for HI's" at next conference"

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