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Inspection World

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Originally posted by Les

Can I come over for lunch? Patterson does not eat much and Kurt will be looking for open water.

Patterson doesn't eat much?! Jeez Les, I hope that isn't typical of the accuracy level in your HI reports. [:D][:-dev3]

Hey Paul, forget peanutbutter, can I sleep in your garage? Poor folks do what they have to do. [:-mouse]

How much is the sign-up this year anyway? I looked around a little on the link, but never saw a number. Are they scared / embarrassed to tell us? [:-paperba

Brian G.

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I don't know how things are done way down in Texas, but I do recall a few months back, one Texan HI who I won't name (though it rhymes with "Ronald Dawson") was bragging about how delicious his rib recipe is. Seems to me Inspection World is the perfect place for a fella to back a claim like that up.

What's that Texas saying? All hat, no cattle?

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Okay, I found the numbers. $500 for me, $600 for the non-affiliated. Reading the list of offerings and who the presenters are, that ain't bad at all.

On the other hand, the Hilton wants $145 a night for a single!?! For that money it should come with a hot, disease-free hooker every night! Anybody else found a more reasonable rate nearby?

Brian G.

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Originally posted by Scottpat

Brian I snore just a little, but if you want to snag the hide-a-way sofa(I think it has one) let me know.

Are you kidding? If it's got a sofa at all I'm good. [:-sleep] Check on it if you don't mind, I'll call you late tomorrow.

Brian G.

Plotting My Escape

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Originally posted by Bruce Thomas

Paul some guys have all the luck, no flight, no hotel…

Big deal. I have no flight and no room, and I live in Mississippi. (Just ignore that 10 - 12 hour drive and sleep wherever)

Brian G.

Homeless for Three Days...Hey Buddy, Got a Dime?

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