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Where am I ....... and how did I get here?

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Chust for fun, take a look at this picture. Where am I? How did I get there?

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You're in Hell (only you know how you got there but I could hazard a few guesses) performing the work of a Home Inspector. The good news is it was only a dream - the bad news is you're in Hell and you're a Home Inspector. [;)]

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That's what's been niggling at the back of my mind about that photo.

You were on the old flat roof of a structure that's either had another roof or, based on the size of those I-joists and the tripled plate, another floor added above the first. What we're seeing is either an aluminum paint coated BUR or TD membrane that wraps up the sides of the parapet. You got there by going up through an old roof hatch from the building below.



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Bingo Mike! You described it as if you'd been there.

It is a roof structure, as opposed to another floor added to the building. The beefiness of the framing is likely because of the span and anticipated snow load. It's a three story brick apartment building built in the early 20's.

I was happy to see a roof hatch, as I wasn't looking forward to putting a ladder on the fire escape and climbing up from the outside. Imagine my surprise when I opened the hatch and saw darkness. Luckily, they added another hatch on the new roof.

That pic is from March '05. I found it last night while going through old pictures as a way to escape doing productive work. I thought I'd share it. The old roof surface (modified bitumen) was actually in very good shape. I don't know why they went to to that huge expense to add a new roof structure. I didn't see any signs of rot. Maybe it had insolvable drainage issues.

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When I was studying that picture last night I couldn't reconcile the splash line with that tube of caulk and the dark line below the sill where the coping had been nailed on kept niggling at the back of my mind saying, "Look at me. You know damned well what I'm an indication of but your brain has too many holes in it from old timers disease to remember what it is. Nah, nah, nah, naaaaaaaahh, na!"



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