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google maps

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I have some questions about google maps.

1. Sometimes the google maps listings show up at the top of the page and sometimes they are not there at all. Does anyone know why this inconsistancy is so?

2. I have several google maps listings and somehow the info got crossed between two of the sites. At one listing it has the title for the other. At another listing, the url is of the other. When I go onto the google local account to edit the info, it is listed correctly there. However, when the map listing comes up as a result of doing a search, the info is wrong, as I described above. Have any of you ever had this problem or do any of you know how to correct it?

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Do you mean that you want to know why, when you enter a particular address into Google Maps, the particular property you are looking for doesn't always turn up at the top of the results?

That's because brokers and their webmasters are pretty danged smart.

They figure you are going to click on the first or second result you turn up and they don't necessarily want you to find what you're looking for. They do, however, want you to find what they want you to find.

You either need to: 1) get more clever than they are, 2) be patient and keep looking until you are quite sure you've found what you're looking for, most reliably, 3) buy yourself a Garmin.


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I think he is talking about the little thumb tacks and listings when you do a google search. A map of the area shows up with 10 businesses listed to the right of the map.

He wants to know why sometime he is at the top and other times he is not.

Is that right John?

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Bruce is getting close to the mark.

I'm not asking about the placement of my listings. I'm wondering why the google map listings show up sometimes and other times not.

Also, editing my listing on my google local doesnt have an effect on the listing. I'm trying to correct wrong information also. I have several listings. The urls and titles are mixed up and I'm having trouble fixing it. I can edit the information on my account but the changes dont show up in the actual listing. It's weird.

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I have advertising with Google. The way it works is....the more you pay and the more often that people click your listing, the more often that you'll show up higher on the first page. There are other variables also, such as locality of the viewer and the entity listing. No amount of money gets you to the top every time. Google designed it that way so that all who pay get on top at least once in a while. Smart and fair design.

I'm not sure if this answers your question John.


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