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I was sent this today and just had to share.

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I was just thinking that the only people on the planet that are dumber than this guy are the ones who voted him into office. I think I'm going to move to his district and run against him for his seat; I kind of like the idea of being able to retire with my full salary after only one term in office.



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Stuff like this isn't all that scarce. Tune into any of the televised congressional hearings, or just look at a typical day on the floor of any legislature, and you learn very quickly that a lot of these folks lack cognitive function.

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Not going to defend the GA congressman ,,,,

He's not too bright, no, but he's also a little addled from fighting a multi-year battle with Hep C.

He's the guy who ran against lunatic Cynthia McKinney and ousted her from office ...

The voters in that Dekalb County have many other sterling local officeholders too. Very entertaining.

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. . . He's not too bright, no, but he's also a little addled from fighting a multi-year battle with Hep C. . .

What drugs does one take to fight Hep C? I ask because a person who's high might just think he was being humorous with a statement like that.

Not that it's any excuse. If you're unable to perform your job, you shouldn't be doing your job. I wouldn't want that guy operating a forklift in that condition let alone serving on the House Armed Services Committee.

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These guys must be friends.

People are losing homes, jobs, and N.Y. can't afford to pay tax refunds.

Look at what concerns this guy.

[utube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cj7v_Ntih2k&feature=player_embedded" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="344">

Gary, all I get from that is that the guy took some time to make a public service ad. Do you actually disagree with the message? Do you have info that this is ALL he is concerned about? Are we supposed to let the smaller stuff just go to hell while we tackle the larger issues?

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Originally posted by gtblum

These guys must be friends.

People are losing homes, jobs, and N.Y. can't afford to pay tax refunds.

Look at what concerns this guy.

Gary, all I get from that is that the guy took some time to make a public service ad. Do you actually disagree with the message? Do you have info that this is ALL he is concerned about? Are we supposed to let the smaller stuff just go to hell while we tackle the larger issues?

I don't see where I said anything about it being ALL he was concerned with. Then again, I never heard of him until this made the news.

I want to know why he's concerned at all with the way kids have been wearing their pants for the last twenty years. Who cares?!! They wear gauges, safety pins, and do just as many stupid things as we did when we were kids. Long haired hippies were going to ruin the world at one time. Remember how that nasty Elvis Presley was once tainting the youth of America? Public service, or self serving? Who paid for this video?

He has a job to do. Fashion Czar? We don't need one. We need jobs.

Robert, This has been all over the news here. If you're are reading something in to this other than it being a comparison to the same type of stupidity of the man in the vid you posted, you need to be better than that.

I didn't make that video. He did.

I'm not interested in playing king of the ego. If you don't like it, pull it.

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Not going political here......but.....

Anyone involved with inner City issues understands the pervasive nature of the sagging pant phenomenon coinciding with image and self awareness issues, resulting in the current horrific conditions of urban youth lassitude.

There's been more than a few studies tying all this together. The representative isn't all that wildly off base.

End point here.

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