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Any one know what happened to the other forum?

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It started going screwy last Saturday. Posts were missing, whole forums were empty, and a bunch of "members", myself included, lost access to post. A couple of folks e-mailed Brian and found out that he had "server problems" during maintenance. Brian never did actually post anything himself to explain what was going on. Then...a couple of days ago, the whole site seems to have disappeared. I can only assume that Brian has done this in order to return IN to normal. At least I hope so.

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Well, as far-fetched as it sounds, I think something like Crusty's scenario is sort of a possibity. I don't think Nick would intentionally pull such a stunt, but there are a few really radical folks on that forum whom I wouldn't put it past.

I talked to Brian at the ITA conference. After the way Nick's been railing about him all over the country and calling his site "InspectionNaziNews", hell is going to freeze over before Brian would ever even consider pairing up with the man.

Then again, Bruce and Neal might simply have unwittingly set their browsers to go to the next most frequently visited site with similar content when they pointed it at IN and it wasn't available. I understand that some browsers will do that.



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When my favorites link didn't work, I typed it in the address line. Check this out.

http://www.inspectionnews.com/ ( this page can not be found)

http://www.inspectionews.com/ Take out one N and it takes you to NACHI. Now they clould be playing the similar name game and registered a whole bunch of close names and different spellings, you see that a lot.

That doesn't say why the site has been down so long. I understand "down for maintenance" but with out notice and for several days. I also understand a server crapping out but again for several days?

It's conspiracy I tell you! (Sometimes I see one under every rock ):)

I'm sure that we will find out soon, I would also hate to see it go away, these are my 2 favorite sites.


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Well, I can see where it is redirecting you. Nick once bragged on his site that he'd acquired more than 1300 domains for NACHI. He's a very net-savvy guy and there's nothing illegal about it. I'm sure that in addition to Inspectionews he'd might also have http://www.inspectorjournal.com.

Instead of imagining all sorts of skullduggery, why not just email Brian and ask him what's up?




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My presence over there seems to bring out all sorts of unpoliteness and nastiness in otherwise polite folks. Don't know why 'cuz I'm such a sweetheart.[:-angel]

Maybe it's because I like to keep this place so free of verbal slugfests. I dunno.



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Hi to all,

Scott & Mike, I think we would be quite happy for you to come play on our board anytime, I like to think that any animosities real or percieved are a thing of the past. I to hope that Brian's site is back on line oon a there are only really 3 places where any real discussion takes place.

While IN is out of action you are most welcome at www.inspectionews.com [8D]



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Hi Gerry,

We've met and I think you're a pretty reasonable fellow. Also, though you don't know me well, I think you understand the way that I see things.

I have no problem with folks disagreeing with one another here on TIJ, I just don't think it is necessary to continually badger someone who doesn't agree with your point of view, in order to "win" the argument, or to badmouth someone that doesn't agree with your personal philosophy. The same repetitious arguments about the same topic in ad infinitum is another thing that pushes my button. So, I apply the delete key when I must, in order to keep things civil here.

It seems to work for our little community, but rubs some of the more radical, vocal minority of folks on that board the wrong way. It's those folks I'm referring to. In fact, the last time I was over there and a few zingers came my way, I received emails from several folks apologizing for the way their brethren behaved.

Nonetheless, while I don't mind occasionally sparring with folks, I prefer not having to endure outright rudeness and insults. Life's too short and there's too much good that we can do in this profession by remaining professional and keeping our eye on the end game - which is helping and educating each other, so we can eventually raise this profession to the level of a true discipline and divorce it from reliance on realtor largess once and for all. So, thanks for the invite, but I'll remain here in my comfort zone.



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Since I resigned from ASHI I have stayed out of the politics of competing home inspection organizations but I have to comment that I think that registering web sites with similar names to competing companies and/or organizations in an attempt to have people come to your site by accident is a slimy way to do business.

Not to hijack this thread I will add that our organzation (NJ-ALPHI.com) is about the break the 200 member barrier! In less than one year we are by far the largest home inspection organization in NJ. I guess we have filled a needed void.

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Hi to all,

when I went to inspectionnews.com this morning it was up and running. There was a post from Brian about it. It is missing some of the post made during the time it was having problems. I am glad to see it back up. It one of the good sites like this one that you can learn from.

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