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In the name of decency and fair play...

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Hey Mike,

The home inspectors you feature on the home page seem to be following two curves:

1) They are getting progressively smarter,

2) And exponentially uglier.

Last month's was so bad that I had to re-calibrate the ug-lometer on my monitor and this month's photo burnt a hole in my firewall and nearly crashed my hard drive.

It's your site and you can run it any way you want to, but please, I'm begging you, warn us before you put Fabry's mug up there.

There oughta be some kind of law...

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Originally posted by Jim Morrison

Hey Mike,

The home inspectors you feature on the home page seem to be following two curves:

1) They are getting progressively smarter,

2) And exponentially uglier.

Last month's was so bad that I had to re-calibrate the ug-lometer on my monitor and this month's photo burnt a hole in my firewall and nearly crashed my hard drive.

It's your site and you can run it any way you want to, but please, I'm begging you, warn us before you put Fabry's mug up there.

There oughta be some kind of law...


Hey Jimmy, just be glad they didn't post the "full monty" pic that I first submitted.

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If you stare at the photo for about 15 seconds I swear his nose appears to be three dimensional. It must be the lighting but it's kind of scary!

I'm also with Jim on the Chad thing. I've seen the photo on his website. Once was more than enough. My dog is still hiding under the couch!

I, on the other hand, have been informed on more than one occasion that I have the perfect face for radio. That's a compliment, right?

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