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Nature Photography

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I too hike and mountain bike for wildlife photography. It's a labor of love.

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The water moccasin above is about four feet long and extremely chubby (well fed). Wetlands of Back Bay, VA

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This golden colored rattler was unlike any I've ever seen - docile too. It never rattled once. It was about three feet long.

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This rattler was huge - about 54" and darn near as big around as my forearm. It was extremely aggressive and would rattle and writhe non-stop as soon as a human came into sight. The reason that rattler's rattle is blurry is because he's rattling it at me...

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Great pics all. I love the Heron with the snake - great shot. I would imagine that the snake is going to end up on the wrong side of that business transaction.

As a side note: If anyone is going on vacation, and wants to take great photos, there are companies that will rent lens. For a fraction of the price you can get whatever lens you'll need - good stuff.

I vote for a photography forum to help break up the monotony.

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I vote for a photography forum to help break up the monotony.

We don't need a general photo forum. There are lots of photo forums that have that covered. I think Gen. Chit Chat covers almost everything non-HI and that's good enough.

However, I will say I value the general comments and opinions on almost any subject here (gardening, photography, shoe repair, automobiles, etc.), as much or more than on most of the other forums I attend.

I am jealous of the eagle shots. It will be awhile or never before I own a nice camera.

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It will be awhile or never before I own a nice camera.

If you still shoot film Mike there are lots of great buys out there. You can pick up a great film camera for next to nothing now. Having said that though I love my Nikon D70s. I'll upgrade to a D700 but that is a future wish. Digital film however is the bomb - snap to your hearts content, import into PS CS4 and get lost in the creation.

Spring time, in Ohio, is a great time for outdoor photography. Mother Nature comes alive and Old Man Winter once again gives up it's grip.

The plant that sprouts first here is Chives. As we hike I'll always pick them and have a chew. My wife reminds me that dogs frequent the trail. Such a buzz kill. [;)]

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I too hike and mountain bike for wildlife photography. It's a labor of love.

The wife and I do as well. We have hiked numerous miles of the AT (Appalachian Trail). Come the first week in May the wife and I will be heading down to NC to hike in the DuPont Forest. And not being to far out from the Smokies we'll travel there too for some great hikes.

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I too hike and mountain bike for wildlife photography. It's a labor of love.

The wife and I do as well. We have hiked numerous miles of the AT (Appalachian Trail). Come the first week in May the wife and I will be heading down to NC to hike in the DuPont Forest. And not being to far out from the Smokies we'll travel there too for some great hikes.

Nice, I hiked about 118 miles of the AT and spur trails last season, and I'm gearing up now for this season. The season before, I rode a mountain bike 700 miles through forests, mountains, and wetlands. The snakes above are Cotton mouths and a couple of timber rattlers.

Looking forward to the new season.

I shoot with a Canon Powershot G10 for stills (14.7 megapixels with a 5x optical zoom onboard) and a Powershot SX10IS for long range action (20x optical zoom onboard with 10 megapixels)

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What is your call sign?

I'm: KI5IO

K8TJM (was KC8LSZ - what a rotten call).

I'll hang out on 14,070 for PSK31 but will bounce to 21.070 now that the sun spots are cranking up again. Try 15 M - it's really cooking as of late.

Passed when Morse was still a requirement for General. Now trying for the Extra ticket.

If you did Extra with the 20 WPM Morse my hats off. I love Morse but I send at about 15 wpm. I'm also a member of FISTS (7308).

I'm running a homebrew trapped dipole, 10, 15, 20, 30 and 40 meters in the attic (condo living at its best) tied to a Yaesu FT-950 with a MFJ -993 tuner. I also have a Kenwood TM-71A, 2M, 440 CM in the shack.

The 2M is a lot of fun for SSTV on simplex.

I'm also on the beta team with Ham Radio Deluxe - if you've never tried it I highly recommend. Best of all it is free however I've been sending Simon $$ for many years for continued development.

Best 73

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Yes ... did my Extra when code was still required. I just got back on the air this past summer after a 5-year absence. I continue to study/practice to improve my CW as I really want to move to more of that. Slow but sure.

I was able to get a Begali paddle last Spring at HamCom in Plano. Bruna was over from Italy and she was keeping busy selling keys left/right. Also kept a crowd around the Begali booth ... but then Bruna is not bad eye-candy.

I was able to get a used FT-2000D with an LDG AT-200Pro Tuner and I'm using a W5GI dipole. Single-family home, no trees to grab so deal with what I have as best as I can.

Made several contacts this last week and two were rather neat: Slovakia on 20m and Cuba on 17m.

Might have to try and work out a contact sometime.



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Yes ... did my Extra when code was still required. I just got back on the air this past summer after a 5-year absence. I continue to study/practice to improve my CW as I really want to move to more of that. Slow but sure.

I was able to get a Begali paddle last Spring at HamCom in Plano. Bruna was over from Italy and she was keeping busy selling keys left/right. Also kept a crowd around the Begali booth ... but then Bruna is not bad eye-candy.

I was able to get a used FT-2000D with an LDG AT-200Pro Tuner and I'm using a W5GI dipole. Single-family home, no trees to grab so deal with what I have as best as I can.

Made several contacts this last week and two were rather neat: Slovakia on 20m and Cuba on 17m.

Might have to try and work out a contact sometime.





I worked South Africa with 50 watts with WSJT. A lot of fun for sure.

If you haven't tried it look here

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One question Mike B: How close and how big was that bear?


It was a juvenile bear (probably 175 to 225 pounds) about fifty feet straight up a tree thanks to a couple of loose dogs that specialize in hunting bears. They had been let loose and wandered into the wrong forest to do their job (they were in training). So, I arrived before the owners of the dogs and snapped away. That's why the bear has such a pitiful look. It was frustrated.

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