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Does anyone know anything about a company called Eye-Stick www.Eye-Stick.Com? They advertise their video camera-on-a-stick by email. No address, phone number, or anything that can be used to verify the company as a legitimate business in the email or on the web site. The product looks interesting but I'm not forking over $1200 to a totally unknown company that can't bother to publish its location (address) or contact information except for a web site URL and an email address. The company appears to in Ontario. They do have demo videos on You Tube.

This is on the order page:

Shipping Information:

Once we receive your order, one of our service representatives will contact you within 24 hours to obtain your preferred shipping method.

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  • 7 months later...

Does anyone know anything about a company called Eye-Stick www.Eye-Stick.Com? They advertise their video camera-on-a-stick by email. No address, phone number, or anything that can be used to verify the company as a legitimate business in the email or on the web site. The product looks interesting but I'm not forking over $1200 to a totally unknown company that can't bother to publish its location (address) or contact information except for a web site URL and an email address. The company appears to in Ontario.

Their contact info is on the home page: 324 Hamilton Road, Russell, Ontario, K4R 1E5 CANADA Tel. 613-447-1810

I've been mildly intrigued by that device since I first read of it a few years back, but to be honest, I can't think of too many instances where I would have used it. I'm looking forward to reading Rob's observations.

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Why would they waste labor to call you and ask how you want it shipped when you can fill out one simple form and every piece of data needed can be obtained and processed electronically and automatically?


Michael Napadow used to call folks and discuss their needs. Then he hung up the phone and took their money. Don't know who Mike Napadow is? Search this site for "napadow."

There's nothing wrong with being cautious; it beats being scammed.



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Why would they waste labor to call you and ask how you want it shipped when you can fill out one simple form and every piece of data needed can be obtained and processed electronically and automatically?


Michael Napadow used to call folks and discuss their needs. Then he hung up the phone and took their money. Don't know who Mike Napadow is? Search this site for "napadow."

There's nothing wrong with being cautious; it beats being scammed.



Sorry, I try to look for the best in people but when I get called on my phone, answer and immediately told "please hold" then a recording tells me I just won blah blah press certain buttons on my phone, I start debating fact or fiction.

There's just so many people who want something for nothing now days, they will steal and scam to get it.


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