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Since the election is fresh in everyone's mind, everyone should stop for a minute and think about those who've made it possible.

With the hustle and bustle routine of our lives, it may be easy to forget that there's somebody over in the Sand Box watchin' our backs.

Please take some time and throw together a care box. Heck, if you don't have the time I think you can even purchase one from the site below. Also, the Post Office is selling phone cards for the troops. I'm not sure how the whole thing works, I just buy a few each time I go to the Post Office, the lady stamps the back and says that they send them over. Takes a few bucks and a couple seconds.

Here's the link where you can find addresses to some troops. At the very least send them a letter expressing your gratitude. I know they'd appreciate it.



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Actually, this one caught my eye. They need some tools. I bet we all have some extra tools we've bought at one time that we thought we'd use one day and never have...or used once or twice and have put them away.

Note: I took SPC Atkins address out of the post below but you can find it on Any Soldier site.

SPC Lonnie N. Atkins

(Use address exactly as shown.) (5) Soldier's Title: Electrician

Added here: 04 November 2004

Where in Iraq: near Mosul (1)

Contact for approx number of Males: 18 (2)

Contact for approx number of Females: 2 (2)

Expected to leave Iraq: 01 Mar 2005 (3)

Restrictions to this address: Here (4)

From the Soldier:

04 Nov 2004:


I want to thank everyone supporting this endeavor.

I represent a platoon of heavy engineers which means we build everything from start to finish ie schools, airport runways and everything in between - we've done it all over here. Some of the soldiers have requested that I ask for cooking utensils ie; old pots, pans and a hotplate, for a couple holiday meals that the platoon wants to put on. Any cand food items would be nice but to be more specific: canned vegitables, instant mashed potatoes, pudding, powdered or canned milk coffee,( either canned or the singles with cream and sugar are in great demand by all of my troops ,you could make some money over here if you openned up a Dunkin Donuts) hot cocoa, instant rice, and what ever you think would go well with Thanksgiving or Christmas. The other request is for basic tools that we tend to use up and have a hard time getting ahold of ie; 7'' replacement saw blades for circular saw, carpenters pencils, chalk lines and chalk, 100' tape measures, 2 foot levels, a four foot level (I broke the one we had - I assure you it was an accident), a tool set for vehicle break downs ( we do a lot of driving). On the same note this is a big one but a rechargeable impact driver ( it limits how long we spend on the side of the road when we get flats - our company only has one ). Again even basic screw drivers and socket/wrench sets used or whatever would help make any mechanical problem we encounter easier. We support ourselves on a lot of missions so the equipment ie; tools is not always readily available to us, so we make due. Many people have brought with them quite a bit but time and use has taken away from what we once had. We are actively engaged in rebuilding the counry and appreciate all that you can do to help us. I thank you - SPC Lonnie Atkins

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Hi All,

Here's one where there's an immediate and critical need.

Jerry D. Smith is my oldest friend and now works for the Dept. of Homeland Security as a trainer. He and I both were rookies in the same platoon of the 118th MP Co.(Abn), 16th MP Bde., Ft. Bragg back in the day, and still keep in touch. Bruce Tweedie, another of our old platoon mates, forwarded this to Jerry and he sent it on to me. You can follow the links in the story to updates in the Blackfive Milblog and from links there to Kelly the Patriette's site. A paypal account has been set up. Please help if you can.


From Jerry Dale Smith

Please note: forwarded message attached

From: Tweedie, Bruce, ,WHS/HRD

To: policetrooper@netzero.com

Subject: FW: SGT Bozik, info on website for assistance

Sent: Tuesday, November 2, 2004 8:15 PM

-----Original Message-----

From: Jarman, Stephen MSG [mailto:jarmansn@bragg.army.mil]

Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 2004 3:08 PM

To: Barnes, Gary; 'Brian Kinch'; Carr, Jessica 2LT; 'Cheryl Smallberger'; 'Ed Assaf'; 'Linda & Joe'; 'Mike Brindle'; Sutton, Donald SGM; 'Tweedie, Bruce, ,WHS/HRD'

Subject: FW: SGT Bozik, info on website for assistance

NET CALL, NET CALL, NET CALL........id="size4">

For all who don't know what the Military Police are, they are the Police Force of the Army. SGT Bozik was injured while on patrol and is clinging to life. On this day of the Presidential Election please don't forget the Soldiers who allow you to be free to choose. Just a note here, SGT Bozik is a double volunteer, once for the Army and then again for the Airborne.

Any assistance will help. Please pass on to any and all who might be interested or want to assist.


Stephen Jarman

MSG, 16th MP BDEid="blue">

-----Original Message-----

From: Little, Bart SGM

Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 2004 1:29 PM

To: Lambert, Brian CSM

Subject: FW: SGT Bozik, info on website for assistance


A friend caught this on the "Blackfive - Paratrooper of Love" milblog regarding SGT Bozik. Great assistance for soldiers such as him.

You Can Help

Sergeant Joseph Bozik, an Airborne Soldier with the 118th MP Company (Airborne) from Ft. Bragg, was recently wounded. He has lost both legs and an arm from a landmine, is not conscious and has many medical complications. On Monday, Sergeant Bozik will be flown into Walter Reed from Landstuhl (Germany). Unfortunately, the family doesn't have enough money to maintain themselves in a hotel (let alone buy food) for an extended period. The Army paid for airfare for 2 family members and Soldiers' Angels paid for airfare for two more. The Angels can cover hotel expenses for only three days. Fisher House is full so they have to stay at a hotel. We need your help. You can donate directly to a fund set up to assist the family with caring for Joe. You can send donations to the address or call the phone number below.

SGT Bozik Fund

c/o Centura Bank

ATTN Aiko Raynor

14615 US HWY 17 PO BOX 74


910 772 8930

Update 10-31-04: Kelly the Patriette is connected to this story and has an article link about Sergeant Bozik. Be sure to read the ZZZlink

the correct address is http://www.soldiersangels.com/


If anyone can help, every little bit helps.

ONE TEAM - ONE FIGHT!!!id="blue">id="size4">


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