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Very cool musical discovery

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Cool Jim - I came across him when I was searcing for artist that played the Diddly Bo. Now I know there are at least two HI with good tasts in music.

By the way I was recently approved to be a programmer (DJ) on a local community radio station (KDHX 88.1). Now I just have to wait for a time slot to open up. In the mean time I'll be doing some filling in for other host, when they can't make it. The name of my show will be (maybe) "A spoonful of Blues" and will feature rock, blues, soul, screaming gospel, insane hillbillies, and pretty much anything you DONT hear on the corporate radio.

Excuse me, but I've been dying to tell someone.

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MARK! my claim to fame. does this mean you will consent to being seen in public in my company?

I had no idea you even knew music.

I like and listen to anything weird and strong enough to actually feel it.

As long as you don't wear the pink polo shirt[;)]

You can listen to KDHX on line and shows are available for 2 weeks after they air. They have lots of great stuff. I'll let you know when I get to take control. One of my favorites is "Bob Scratchy Records" on Fridays from 2 -4.

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Django Reinhart is great, and Eliot Fisk is a friendly acquaintance of mine. I was hanging with him, his wife, and his daughter when his phone rang one AM. He had to very-politely excuse himself because Eric-freaking-Clapton was on the line. Anyway, I'd encourage anyone with an interest to google Seasick Steve and hear/see some more great tunes.


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By the way I was recently approved to be a programmer (DJ) on a local community radio station (KDHX 88.1). Now I just have to wait for a time slot to open up. In the mean time I'll be doing some filling in for other host, when they can't make it. The name of my show will be (maybe) "A spoonful of Blues" and will feature rock, blues, soul, screaming gospel, insane hillbillies, and pretty much anything you DONT hear on the corporate radio.

That's great, Mark. I'm sure you're going to love it. I've been doing it since 1983 at Lehigh University's radio station, 91.3 FM, WLVR. My show used to be Fridays, 6-9 PM. I kind of burned out after a while (moving 20 miles away from the station didn't help) and gave up my regular show. Now I just fill in for a few DJ's who have musical tastes that match yours. 6-12 shows a year is enough for me now.

Back in the day, I used to bring local musicians in to play live. I also used to go out to local clubs, record bands' full shows and play them back on my show. I miss those days. Here's what I looked like 50 pounds ago:

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That is cool Joe. I'm really excited all I wanted to do orginally was help the station out it some small way. Once I started talking to folks and what they needed I decided to offer my time as a fill in DJ, but when it was all said and done, I made the grade as a programer and someday when a time slot opens up, I'll have a weekly show. I never thought all these years of music collecting, concerts, reading about music, talking about music, spending hours and hours and hours in record stores would lead to anything excpet me enjoying music and my wife complaining about how much music I buy. Now I'll be able to share what I know and love with the universe.

Its funny the few people I've told think automatically I'll be doing a show on Home Inspecting. When I tell them its music they look at me strangly, people don't know me to well.

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That is cool Joe. I'm really excited all I wanted to do orginally was help the station out it some small way. Once I started talking to folks and what they needed I decided to offer my time as a fill in DJ, but when it was all said and done, I made the grade as a programer and someday when a time slot opens up, I'll have a weekly show. I never thought all these years of music collecting, concerts, reading about music, talking about music, spending hours and hours and hours in record stores would lead to anything except me enjoying music and my wife complaining about how much music I buy. Now I'll be able to share what I know and love with the universe.

What's going to be really cool for you is when you build up a following. There's nothing like having people tune in specifically to hear your show. Also, I'd guess that you're also going to be exposed to a lot of like-minded people. That's a great fringe benefit of the gig.

There were/are tons of musically involved DJ's at WLVR. I've been very lucky to be able to rub elbows with many of them and soak up some of their knowledge and tales. Todd Wolfe hosts the Roots Rock Cafe on Mondays, 12-3. He was in Sheryl Crows Band from 93-98. He's toured with and played with the likes of Peter Green, Leslie West, John Popper & Dickey Betts. Here he is jammin' with Clapton:

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One of the people I sub for is Mike McMillan, who does a blues/rockabilly show he calls Bare Wires. In the YouTube video, he's playing bass in his band The Tall Guys. It's from a 1989 gig that I recorded to play on my radio show the following Friday. I've tried lots of different ways to link to it, but I can't get it to play in stereo. The trick of adding &fmt=18 to the end of the url does't seem to work when linking from IJ.


" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="344">

Its funny the few people I've told think automatically I'll be doing a show on Home Inspecting. When I tell them its music they look at me strangly, people don't know me to well.

I take it they've never seen your Inspector's Journal profile picture!

Let us know when you're doing a show. I'll certainly 'tune in' and listen.

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  • 1 month later...

Well - I did my 1st radio show last night. I feel good about it. Listening back I should have been closer to the microphone and spoke more clearly at times, but I think for a greenhorn it went well. A few listenerws called up and said nice things. You know sometimes dreams do come true. If your interested you can listen online for the next two weeks at http://www.kdhx.org/index.php?option=co ... Itemid=268

and select the 4 May show.

yea me!

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Smooth, Mark! Very smooth. If you hadn't announced before the Linda Perry song that it was your first show ever, nobody would have ever guessed it. There wasn't the slightest hint of nervousness in your voice. Congratulations on a great first show.

Somewhere, I have two cassettes of my first show. I thank my lucky stars that that first one was 1-4 am, when it's likely the only people that were listening were a few drunks.

I'm guessing you kept to Annie's format. Much of what you played wasn't what I would normally listen to, but it was all good stuff. I gotta say, I was disappointed when I didn't get to hear Sweet Jane. I've long had a thing for Margo.

I'm doing a show on WLVR this Wednesday, 6-9 pm Eastern time. No podcast, but the station streams live.

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Thanks for the kind words Joe,

Yes, I tried to keep it to the regular DJs format, but it was all music that I brought with me.

I don’t know how I got so screwed up at the end. The Sweet Jane, Cowboy Junkies, I had loaded up was from the Trinity Revisited and is like 8 min long and I did not have enough time. Next time I do a show I’ll play it as a request from you.

There sure is a lot to focus on doing a show, I can’t wait till next time.

I’ll try and tune in on Wednesday.

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