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Well, this has been getting flamed over at the ASHI site by all the folks with brains, not so much by the leadership.

Seems we're going to be changing our governance model and the method by which leaders are chosen before there is even a Strategic Plan for the organization.

ASHI has rolled out a for-profit subsidiary. Seems one of the principals in that new subsidiary is also writing the new governance model. It would seem that the organization is now being set up for any of the corporate interests that would love to control the profession being able to do so.

Anyone here want to rant? I'm up for a good rant fest, and I hope there are ASHI folks out there reading this that are swayed and vote the proposals down.

If this continues, I will probably be joining those of you that opted out of any connection with any of the societies.........


Hey Kurt,

I have read everything I can about this and can't feel comfortable either way. There are several guys that I respect that are in favor of the change and many more that are not in favor.

I have had a sinking gut feeling about ashi for the past couple of years. It started when I was allowed access to some information and experienced first-hand some behavior that I found unethical. I had thought I was one of the good ole boys and knew more than I really did. Nearly went into a depression as I watched several folks I respected act in very unethical ways. I dismissed my feelings as emotion. I came very close to not renewing my membership.

I read Phillip's comments over there and have concern that he may not know who he is dealing with. I am not promoting any particular theory and would caution most folks to read Kurt's postings with a grain of salt. He was also part of a group of good ole boys; GLC, Carson Dunlap, Rob P, etc.. He knows things that help him form those opinions that are not able to be validated. Rumor, opinion, etc - but out there and demonstrable.

I love the Society, but the reality is that I am sixty-five and really don't need the stress. This bylaws issue will not have a great impact either way because the membership is never going to know what is going on (even shen they are voting)

I'll vote no, just because I have read and re-read and do not understand the change. I have received some communication from people that are asking me to vote no and I will trust their judgement.


I'm glad to hear Les is confused too.

I can't make heads or tails of what's happening and what the pro/cons are.

An observation: all the "ordinary" members that have given input all say "NO" - unanimously. All the leadership folks say vote "YES."

Since I'm an ordinary member, I'm probably voting NO.

  randynavarro said:

I'm glad to hear Les is confused too.

I can't make heads or tails of what's happening and what the pro/cons are.

An observation: all the "ordinary" members that have given chimed in on the topic all say "NO" - unanimously. All the leadership folks say vote "YES."

Since I'm an ordinary member, I'm probably voting NO.

Well, I'm an ordinary member as well and I just received my ballot and have voted as an ordinary member! Remember to vote and vote often![;)]

  Scottpat said:

  randynavarro said:

I'm glad to hear Les is confused too.

I can't make heads or tails of what's happening and what the pro/cons are.

An observation: all the "ordinary" members that have given chimed in on the topic all say "NO" - unanimously. All the leadership folks say vote "YES."

Since I'm an ordinary member, I'm probably voting NO.

Well, I'm an ordinary member as well and I just received my ballot and have voted as an ordinary member! Remember to vote and vote often![;)]

Soooo. . . . . . ? I'm confused.

As an ordinary member, did you vote YES or NO?


It's like Rotary or Kiwanis or TWIG announcing that they've created a for profit branch. Honestly, the concept reeks. Kiss whatever credibility you thought ASHI may have provided good bye. If it happens it'll be a for profit lobby group lobbying for whatever legislation increases the profit for the lobby group.

  randynavarro said:

  Scottpat said:

  randynavarro said:

I'm glad to hear Les is confused too.

I can't make heads or tails of what's happening and what the pro/cons are.

An observation: all the "ordinary" members that have given chimed in on the topic all say "NO" - unanimously. All the leadership folks say vote "YES."

Since I'm an ordinary member, I'm probably voting NO.

Well, I'm an ordinary member as well and I just received my ballot and have voted as an ordinary member! Remember to vote and vote often![;)]

Soooo. . . . . . ? I'm confused.

As an ordinary member, did you vote YES or NO?

I voted as you did!


With all the muddy (make that "not clear") comments over at ASHI a sense of clarity has settled over me today with additional input from Les, Kurt, Randy, Scott and others here at TIJ.

I'm a youngin with ASHI, but am proud of what I've done and what it took to earn the full certification. Over the past couple of years watching all the changes and back 'n forth is far more than I need to or want to deal with.

I'm not at Les' 65 mark, but am 60 and just don't need the spin as I mature like a fine wine. [;)]

As one of the common people I'll be voting no.


I just voted NO.

I found it pretty smarmy that the ballot website spun and presented the issue in favor of YES.

Sort of like all "elections" I've voted in ASHI. "Here's the issue and how it will benefit you and the Society, (because people much more important than you have already debated this issue, including all sorts of outside paid consultants and we've already determined what the course should be so we just need to to wink-wink vote to make it official) so please vote as you see fit."

ASHI President election? Vote for Candidate A OR nobody else.


I've been thinking all along that the deck is pretty heavily stacked to ensure a yes vote, but the 'ASHI Presidents' email I got earlier today was the crème de la crème. It's outrageous that an 'official' ASHI email was sent out just hours before the ballot was, in an obvious attempt to sway the vote. I can only hope that some who may have been on the fence were clued in by it, as to what's going on.

If something as shameless as that is done right out in the open, what the hell is being done behind closed doors?

If somebody wants to start a true Professional Society, I'll follow and give my support.


I vote for an armed coup d'etat (sp?). We storm Chicago headquarters, seize the funds that are being spent on outside consultants, certification programs. paid lobbyist and everything else that really doesn't "benefit" my/our business and seat Kurt M. and Mike O. to man the helm.

That's it. Whatever they say, goes!

Who's in? And does someone have a gun I can borrow?

I vote for an armed coup d'etat (sp?). We storm Chicago headquarters, seize the funds that are being spent on outside consultants, certification programs. paid lobbyist and everything else that really doesn't "benefit" my/our business and seat Kurt M. and Mike O. to man the helm.

That's it. Whatever they say, goes!

Who's in? And does someone have a gun I can borrow?

As a non-member of all associations, I'm just barely understanding this thread. Randy's post strikes the only chord...I don't see how any association could do me more good than TIJ. Seriously.



Uh, Randy.....I'm an independent. I left ASHI about 7 or 8 years ago. Branding was the straw that....

This is the first I'd heard of all of this but I'm guessing that maybe a former Prez and a former training guru are up to their eyeballs in this thing. Am I right?

As for the vote; remember branding? Wasn't the vote against branding and the BOD did it anyway?

Remember the ASHI/NAHI attempt at working together last spring when the majority of the NAHI guys voted for the cooperation and their BOD went against their wishes anyway?

When it comes to home inspection associations, I don't see much snuffy-driven stuff; it's all done by the annointed ones who manage to get to the top of that heap and then they stay up there for a looooonnnnnggggg time.


It's funny you should mention the idea of starting a truly professional association because there have been some folks kicking that idea around for a couple of years now.



  hausdok said:

Uh, Randy.....I'm an independent. I left ASHI about 7 or 8 years ago.

That's why they call it a coup, Mike. You don't have to be from the inside.

And I don't think Branding was put to a vote by membership. Maybe I just don't remember voting. . .


You might be right. I'm getting older and the memory cells don't work like they used to. I went upstairs twice today to get something and by the time I got up there I'd completely forgotten why I was there.

C.R.S. is setting in.



  Inspectorjoe said:

I've been thinking all along that the deck is pretty heavily stacked to ensure a yes vote, but the 'ASHI Presidents' email I got earlier today was the crème de la crème. It's outrageous that an 'official' ASHI email was sent out just hours before the ballot was, in an obvious attempt to sway the vote. I can only hope that some who may have been on the fence were clued in by it, as to what's going on.. . .

That did it for me too. I also found it particularly pitiful that they could only get half of the ex presidents to sign on.

I actually agree with some of what they're trying to do, but the devil is in the details and the details suck big time. Bill Loden made an exceptionally perceptive post that, I believe, exposed the real agenda.

- Jim Katen, Oregon


I absolutely believe in what they say they're trying to do, but I don't think any of them are smart enough to know where they're taking us.

Here's a little manifesto that I got from Engle, genius in residence in our little profession......

I am against the corporate model for ASHI because it takes away the member’s rights to self-governance.

I am against ASHI’s resources and standing in the community being used for the enrichment of for-profit affiliates, especially when the few who operate those affiliates profit from the hard work and lifetime efforts of volunteer members.

I am against having people with serious conflicts of interest serving on the Board of ASHI, and far too many of them have done so and helped in crafting these proposals.

I am in favor of ASHi maintaining the strength of its history and membership.

I am in favor of ASHI extending its reach through positive affiliations with partner not-for-profit organizations

I am in favor of ASHI moving forward through research and development of new information in the fields of construction and building science.

That kinda says it all, doesn't it?


I have voted.

I voted no to the changes.

I do not think they will pass.

The special interests will remain and profit.

I will not leave the American Society of Home Inspectors.

I have lived through more turmoil than this.

I likely will not be a society volunteer again.

I have several other venues where I can serve.

I would like to encourage others to vote and vote no.

  Inspectorjoe said:


If somebody wants to start a true Professional Society, I'll follow and give my support.

NJ-ALPHI (New Jersey Association of Licensed Professional Home Inspectors) is the largest Home Inspection Group in NJ.

We decided to create this group when NJ Home Inspectors were required to be licensed and we needed a better local voice. One of the reasons that we have been so successful is that it was created around the time that Branding drove many of us to leave ASHI.


"It's funny you should mention the idea of starting a truly professional association because there have been some folks kicking that idea around for a couple of years now."

Uhm, why not just come up with a more credible reference of qualifications than the stars under our avatars and make TIJ that organization?

Hell, the pros are here, the volunteer spirit is here, and the (reluctant?) leadership Randy selected for the coup is here. The only down side I can see; it certainly won't be as fun as storming the ASHI castle.


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