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Election Day - 2004

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I voted befor work today, I have voted in every election that I have been allowed to. Although I know no one at my election station, they all know me.

I am only one of the two republicans in my ward. (my wife is the other) The republican monitor said he get special consideration because his ward is the only one in Pittsburgh with 100% turn republican turnout

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Is anyone saying 'waz-up with that?' Headlines in the papers today, "Kerry wants healing to begin".

Hmmmm, seems to me these two guys have caused all the 'pain and suffering' did all the mudslinging, now he wants us to forget about it?

Something like the ASHI, NACHI debate, even if we try, it won't go away.

OK Chad, I'm waiting......


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Originally posted by hausdok

As for the election results, discussions about religion and politics are out of bounds on TIJ. I can't think of any better way to let the healing begin.


The Editor

Ditto. We did our part. We voted. I've had enough political discussion to last me for, oh, about 4 years. Then, we'll have Hillary to talk about.

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