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I was told by another inspector who does a fair amount of marketing that this works best if you can have another person other than you the inspector to drop off the goodies. Kind of like a marketing person...

I would be too frightened to walk into most RE offices in my area. I'm certain there would be staplers, coffee mugs, and all else hurled in my direction.

I did attend a RE Christmas party a couple of years ago with one of their own hanging onto my arm. One old bat actually told me how brave she thought I was to even make an appearance. At least she had a sense of humor. Most of the others just sort of glared. The gal I was with thought the whole thing was . . . cute. Her words.

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Original quote by Chad:

Thank God they didn't interview the grizzled old guy in Lafite, LA. I couldn't say no to his spicy fried pork rind fresh out of the fat.

They're called 'cracklins' and yes I'll be eating them till my last day on this earth (don't tell my doctor).


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Original quote by Chad:

Thank God they didn't interview the grizzled old guy in Lafite, LA. I couldn't say no to his spicy fried pork rind fresh out of the fat.

They're called 'cracklins' and yes I'll be eating them till my last day on this earth (don't tell my doctor).


I love them in cornbread.

Give me some cracklin cornbread, some buttermilk and I will be in hog heaven.

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Quote: Originally posted by Marc

Quote: Original quote by Chad:

Thank God they didn't interview the grizzled old guy in Lafite, LA. I couldn't say no to his spicy fried pork rind fresh out of the fat.

They're called 'cracklins' and yes I'll be eating them till my last day on this earth (don't tell my doctor).


I love them in cornbread.

Give me some cracklin cornbread, some buttermilk and I will be in hog heaven.

Geez Guys, I was worried for my health after eating just one. Corn bread, pork fat that's deep fried in pork fat and buttermilk... I'm pretty sure that's bad for you.

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fried pickles

fried snickers

french fries

fried twinkee

fried chicken

fried turkey

fried ice cream

chicken fried steak

fried fritters, corn or otherwise

And the best cornbread has has mayonnaise base; poured into a 500 degree skillet with a layer of hot lard in the bottom. Please note that true southern cornbread does not have sugar in it.

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Brad kinda says it all......

Wanna see his scar?

Or would you rather have one of your own?

Don't get me wrong; cardiovascular health is governed by genetic predisposition as much as anything, and anyone can have anything regardless of what they eat or how they live.

But, you can skew the odds in one's favor by eating decent grub, i.e., not pork fat washed down with dairy fat.

Or, I suppose one can get intimately acquainted with our health care system.

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fried pickles

fried snickers

french fries

fried twinkee

fried chicken

fried turkey

fried ice cream

chicken fried steak

fried fritters, corn or otherwise

And the best cornbread has has mayonnaise base; poured into a 500 degree skillet with a layer of hot lard in the bottom. Please note that true southern cornbread does not have sugar in it.


Reading your list makes me hungry.

You left out

fried tomato's

fried okra

fried apple pies

No wonder I can't lose weight

fried liver

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fried pickles

fried snickers

french fries

fried twinkee

fried chicken

fried turkey

fried ice cream

chicken fried steak

fried fritters, corn or otherwise

And the best cornbread has has mayonnaise base; poured into a 500 degree skillet with a layer of hot lard in the bottom. Please note that true southern cornbread does not have sugar in it.


Reading your list makes me hungry.

You left out

fried tomato's

fried okra

fried apple pies

No wonder I can't lose weight

fried liver

Truth be know I eat little fried food. I married a northern girl. Had to convince her chicken was not the only meat. She has a pint of oil for baking. Lunch is subway or fajitas. I do miss grandma's cornbread!

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I have to confess - even though I know it's bad for me and I know that it will put me in the throne room for a day, my favorite place to eat locally is Casper's a little hole-in-the wall place with a dining area on a deck in a tent about two miles from here. Their cuisine is all southern and really really good.

You local guys should check 'em out: http://www.eatmoregator.com




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Truth be know I eat little fried food. I married a northern girl. Had to convince her chicken was not the only meat. She has a pint of oil for baking. Lunch is subway or fajitas. I do miss grandma's cornbread!

Ha, sounds like my life. My finace' is fom MI, and I had to introduce her to sweet tea and country ham!

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And then there's hog head cheese and boudin. I served the cheese at my wedding 10 yrs ago and the boudin I still enjoy twice or three times a week for breakfast. It gives you hallucinations if you eat it too close to bedtime, so it's best for breakfast.


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Hi, My name's Mike and I like pork rinds... (no kidding)... Just don't inhale while eating them or they'll asphyxiate you before you ever secure a position in line for the scar...

And country ham.. (A salt lick), is another weakness.

Other than those two, I'm pretty well behaved.. Well, except for the marvelous gifts that the Irish, Scots and Kentuckians have offered the planet.

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OK, I'm guilty as charged! Today my wife on her way to work dropped off a box of fresh Blueberry Scones at a local real estate office that is right down the street from her office. Our company name along with a few cards were on top of the box. I told her to wait till the first of the week, but she wanted to do it today (Friday).

Dang if it did not work! I have never had a call one from this office and today I booked a job for next week and have had a second call for a price from this office. Yes, it cost $8 but I think it might be worth it.

I was told by another inspector who does a fair amount of marketing that this works best if you can have another person other than you the inspector to drop off the goodies. Kind of like a marketing person...

Nothing wrong with what you did. It's called thanking the hand that feeds you. I see nothing wrong with taking a referral to lunch to thank them for their business. It's called doing business.

I'm glad some guys see it just the opposite. Two inspectors visit a RE office on the same day. One thought enough about those he was seeing to take an extra 10 minutes of his time and buy them a pie. You do this at enough offices and I'll guarantee you the guy who went the extra mile will get the business. Its called being nice and thoughtful, not immoral or illegal. sheesh stop whining because some guy did more than you.

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