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Todays inspection was of a 32 unit apartment. (thank you ASHI website)

I took two of my inspectors with me so we could knock it out today. The guy wanted every unit inspected...not a problem for the right kind of money.

The people were interesting as they always are. From the young lady in the last unit with a mental disorder to the "Maintenance Man" all the way to the attorney who lived like a bum. Gotta love this job!!

Here are a few pics.

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Great pics, a real slice of Americana.

Were the rolling papers (Disclaimer: I had to ask a friend what these were) in the same suite as the guy with the pet snake?

I've always wondered about people that would have a pet snake, not sure I see the attraction in having a snake for a pet.


What was the "right kind of money" for a 32 unit in Texas?

I oughta bring you along on a Section 8 stinker inspection in beautiful West Side Chicago. It's an education in our wonderful Gov't. housing program, AND, you don't just find rolling papers w/ a couple stems & seeds; we have an array of controlled substances available for our tenants. I say "our" because we get to pay their rent.


No, the snake guy wasn't the one with the papers. Actually the guy had 3 pet snakes and he offered to let me hold one. I politely declined. However Inspector Mark gladly took him up on his offer (obviously by the pic). He also had 3 parakeets and about 15 goldfish in a little aquarium and a mean assed little dog.

Mr. Pot Smoker also had some Saran wrap on a table by the door with some more seeds and goodies.

I found it kinda ironic that he used an AFLAC insurance brochure to roll 'em on.

When I first bid the job, I figured it would take two inspectors a day and half to inspect the whole complex. I was suppose to be on vacation this week, however a busted water line, a forecasted week of rain in Oklahoma and then this job came up so I decided to stay and help them. I bid the jobs at a C note per unit and since he was a really nice guy and we finished in one day, I gave him a little discount that knocked the final price down to $2700. He was happy with the inspection and had his cousin who lives locally, and who is also an investor, come over and meet us.

Originally posted by Donald Lawson

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Gee, I sure hope you recommended a sign here saying "Danger! Do NOT stick your fingers or metal objects between the secondary covers into the areas with live wiring!" You can't be too careful.

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IMHO, reptiles are NOT pets. Any critter with absolutely no capacity for affection is not a pet in my book. That would include reptiles, fish, and ex-wives for starters. [:-dev3][:D][:-dev3]

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It's been another long day. What am I looking at here Don?

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They probably all sit around afterwards going "AFLAC!" and giggling a lot. [:-party]


Well shucks, I didn't think about the possibility of asbestos. The pic is of an open pipe in the return air chase. I could never figure out if it was a vent (tried my gas detector, didn't get a reading) or some old drain that may have been relocated.

This was at a 2nd story unit so I figured it had to be one or the other.

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