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The Green Fallacy

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This thread is a perfect example of how volatile a scientific discussion can become when emotions, religion, and politics are sprinkled into the stew.

It has been an interesting and insightful, but wobbly thread in some ways, that probably belonged in the Chat area. It never really centered around green technology or even green living, which, in my mind is really more about conservation than global warming.

I personally am thankful that we DON'T talk houses 24/7. I see TIJ as a valuable place to hang out for MORE than simply information and advice. It's equally helpful to relax and have a bit of spirited fun, bantering, discussion, humor, etc both about houses and just life in general with respected peers. It doesn't get much better than that. If you login with rigidly defined expectations, you set yourself up for disappointment. It seems better to simply login with positive anticipation and go with the general flow, gleaning threads for what you need and simply enjoying the comradely.

[i do know this . . . if I ever find myself in a rumble, I'd love to have Terry McCann by my side. That guy has pluck.

I'll second that.

This thread makes me think of a great Rodney Dangerfield line: "I went to the fights last night and a hockey game broke out..."

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Here he is talking about the same thing. http://www.inspectionnews.net/home_insp ... llacy.html

How do you change the link to one word?

Phillip, in the posting form (you get there by using the "reply to topic" button) you will see a little globe button on the format line at the top.

If you hit that it will bring up a box for the text you wish to use and then one for pasting the link. Be sure to not double up the http:// bit. You may get a security alert asking you to allow scripts the first time. Allow them and hit the globe button again. If you look at this post now you can see that I added the same link below but with a short name..."textlink"


Thanks Richard, I will have to give it a try.

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"But there is consensus among scientists. Consensus: majority of opinion It's explained here: The Consensus on Global Warming"

There was a Consensus that the world was flat to.

Or that something red is red, in actuality something red is everything but red.


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  • 2 weeks later...


It's too late anyway. I went to see 2012 a few weeks ago. Looks like there's a reason for all of these major quakes and volcanoes that have been erupting recently. Obviously, we've only got about a year and a half to live anyway.

That is,......unless I can pick up a Lincoln town car that's in really, really good shape and can get my private pilot's license before then. Hmm. [:-monkeyd



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In another thread, Terry said:

God willing and the creek don't rise, I'll be playing shuffle board somewhere warm (most likely hell).
I dunno. According to the news, there're a lot of creeks rising back east right now and they're seeing weather they haven't seen, or been prepared for, in decades.

Talked to my mother by phone yesterday. She lives in Florida these days. She's been there about 5 years and was complaining about all the rain they've had this year, as opposed to last year when they had a drought. She's spent the last 80 years living on the right side - Massachusetts, New York, Virginia, and now Florida with a few years detour down in Dallas and then up in Edmonton. She said, "My God, In my whole life I haven't seen so much rain day after day after day since I was last out there in Seattle." (hee, hee)

S'funny how one can get used to things like a little bit of rain when it's with you months on end. If this is just a naturally-occurring cycle, folks better stop whining and prepare to deal with it until it passes.



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In another thread, Terry said:

God willing and the creek don't rise, I'll be playing shuffle board somewhere warm (most likely hell).
I dunno. According to the news, there're a lot of creeks rising back east right now and they're seeing weather they haven't seen, or been prepared for, in decades.

Talked to my mother by phone yesterday. She lives in Florida these days. She's been there about 5 years and was complaining about all the rain they've had this year, as opposed to last year when they had a drought. She's spent the last 80 years living on the right side - Massachusetts, New York, Virginia, and now Florida with a few years detour down in Dallas and then up in Edmonton. She said, "My God, In my whole life I haven't seen so much rain day after day after day since I was last out there in Seattle." (hee, hee)

S'funny how one can get used to things like a little bit of rain when it's with you months on end. If this is just a naturally-occurring cycle, folks better stop whining and prepare to deal with it until it passes.



So true..

I recall my father telling my brother and I how he had to walk five mile to and from school in a foot or more of snow back in the early 1930's. Yep, climate change must be happening, but wait he grew up in South central Mississippi! Folks tend to forget and embellish a bit as time goes on.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Didn't read every post but my two cents worth:

Personally I do believe we are effecting the environment whether it's a natural cycle or not I don't know. My bottom line is that I try to be as green as possible... If I can justify it financially, every light in my house is CF, every toilet, shower head, washing machine, dishwasher is energy and water efficient, every window is low E argon, my criteria is that if it saves me the money over a 3 year period I'll do it. So far it's worked and I try to encourage my customers to do the same. If everyone on the planet did the same I don't believe we would be in as big an issue. I also RRR as much as possible.

Just finished a 226 000 reno to a 1930's house, instead of taking the scrap lumber etc to the dump, I installed a wood stove which ofsets my heating costs in the winter. Saved enough by not paying the dump fees to pay for the stove. Saved about 800 this winter on heating. Yes I'm puting some CO in the atmosphere by burning but not having the need to drive it to the dump, not to mention the natural off gassing it would do at the dump, even with out the calculations I figure I'm about even carbon footprint wise.

Bottom line little more up front, save in the long run.

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  • 6 months later...

Human nature being what it is, it's sometimes hard for people to get their minds wrapped around the fact that several things can be happening at once. That for example:

1) For well understood reasons, humans can have substantial, measurable effects on global climate, over periods as short as a few decades.

2) For (usually) less well understood reasons, various non-human factors have substantial, measurable effects on global climate over periods as short as a decade or two, and as long as tens of millions of years.

3) Because 1) is happening, this does does not mean that 2) has stopped happening.

4) Because 2) is ongoing, that does not mean that 1) can't/isn't happening.

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I'm not going to get too excited about global warming. I caught the tail end of a news report earlier this week, and, according to some kind of a scientist they were interviewing there's an asteroid that's going to swing by and pass through our atmosphere in 1024 and then it will be coming back around again in 2036 and they think it's going to hit the planet. I think they said that thing is about 1000 yards in diameter. When it hits this rock, the shock is probably going to make the simultanteous detonation of every nuke in every inventory feel small in comparison. I'm guessing it will end us. Best boogie while we still can.



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That's "Apophis"

"Apophis... previously known by its provisional designation 2004 MN4) is a near-Earth asteroid that caused a brief period of concern in December 2004 because initial observations indicated a small probability (up to 2.7%) that it would strike the Earth in 2029. Additional observations provided improved predictions that eliminated the possibility of an impact on Earth or the Moon in 2029. However, a possibility remained that during the 2029 close encounter with Earth, Apophis would pass through a gravitational keyhole, a precise region in space no more than about 600 meters across[6], that would set up a future impact on April 13, 2036. This possibility kept the asteroid at Level 1 on the Torino impact hazard scale until August 2006, when the probability that Apophis will pass through the keyhole was determined to be very small. Apophis broke the record for the highest level on the Torino Scale, being, for only a short time, a level 4, before it was lowered."


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