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The Green Fallacy

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Hello Greyboy!

Even if your argument is right that climate change is false, its hard to believe that pumping tons and tons of carbon into the air we breath and depend on to live is a wise decision.
Greyboy, Friend, it is a question of perspective. Let’s look at your post – it tells me that you are a very decent fellow and I laud your concern forthe Earth, but a little perspective may be warranted. Each time you exhale, your exhalation breath contains about 40,000 parts of CO2 per million parts of air (40,000 ppm). You exhale about 12 times per minute. Your exhalation breath is about 500 ml of air. That means that every minute, as a matter of just living, you exhale about 450 mg of CO2 into the atmosphere. OK – now imagine that the 6,803,042,109 of our brothers and sisters across the globe are doing the same thing – just breathing. That means that every MINUTE the average loading to the Earth’s atmosphere, contributed by humans doing nothing more than just breathing is about 3,100 metric tons every MINUTE of every day. That’s over 184 THOUSAND METRIC TONNES per hour and that’s just from humans breathing. And you are concerned about “…pumping tons and tons of carbon into the air we breath…â€
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The Catholic Church has more than enough Apologists working 'round the clock on damage control. Let's leave those poor, overworked folks out of this discussion. We should stick to science on this forum. Greyboy didn't introduce the topic, but religion has no place here.

Caoimhín, we're waiting on you mo chara....

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By the way mate, didnt realize you were british but wasn't it one of your own who stated "for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction" I beleive Isaac Newton if my memory serves me correctly.Why would there not be repercussions for Putting things in an unatural way into our atmosphere, whether it be tommorow or 1000 years from now?

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Mr. Connell

I have read many of your posts and found them very informative. I agree with most of your opinions. I also agree that many of the global warming claims have been exaggerated and that we do not need to go the extremes to protect our environment that some people suggest.

However I must say I was as turned off by your post #18 as I am by most of Al Gore’s speeches. I do not dispute your science. What I find objectionable is your use of human breath, termites, and water evaporating from lakes, compared to factory emissions and other green house contributors, as your example of why there isn’t any reason to think about the possibility of global warming.

I believe this is the same thing as telling a 400 pound man, with a glandular condition, that it is ok to eat a box of donuts every day. Granted his glandular condition may be the biggest reason for his weight problem but the donuts aren’t doing him any good. He can stop eating the donuts and put on less weight. We cannot remove all humans, termites and lakes from the earth. But we can cut down on some of the other factors that could lead to global warming.

My father always liked to say everything in moderation. Perhaps the 400 pound man could cut back to one donut a week and we could come up with ways to combat potential contributors to global warming without bankrupting the country.

Thank You

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By the way mate, didnt realize you were british but wasn't it one of your own who stated "for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction" I beleive Isaac Newton if my memory serves me correctly.Why would there not be repercussions for Putting things in an unatural way into our atmosphere, whether it be tommorow or 1000 years from now?

I do believe that Caoimhín is from the Emerald Isle.

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Hi is,

I didn't mean to imply in my previous post that he was; only that he comes from the other side of the pond - the one that speaks the other English and that we Americans used to speak that English too. Caoimhín might even take a little offense at the term English because it wasn't by choice that our ancestors had to learn English anyway. That's got nothing to do with global warming or the lack of global warming or greenness or the lack of greenness, so I return you to your regularly scheduled discussion.

OT - OF!!!


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By the way mate, didnt realize you were british but wasn't it one of your own who stated "for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction" I beleive Isaac Newton if my memory serves me correctly.Why would there not be repercussions for Putting things in an unatural way into our atmosphere, whether it be tommorow or 1000 years from now?

I do believe that Caoimhín is from the Emerald Isle.

So is my Grandfather - and that means?

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Getchya Peanuts! Popcorn! Cold drinks! Right here!..

(Actually, I have a brother that has lived down under for 37 years. I thought "mate" is pretty exclussively a down under term...)

Mate is also a English or British term as well, considering Australia was once a territory of England I would say it was Originally British. However, could be vise versa for all I know. Hausdok sorry about the punctuation, I'll work on that.

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All of which is endlessly interesting, but again: put up or shut up.

Let's stick to the facts for a while, huh?

One fact is that you spend enough time on Google, you can turn up a number of posts where Mr. Connell appears to bait people on message boards. Here is an example In my opinion, he does the same thing here at TIJ.

Any one else who came to this message board posting questionable (questionable at best) things outside of their professed field of expertise (in this case sheriff's deputy/industrial hygienist) would have the brethren come down on him like a ton of bricks. For some reason, Mr. Connell gets a pass from many.

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Sweet Georgia Brown! I'd encourage anyone with an interest to Google Caoimhín P. Connell and read the first 10 or so hits that pop up. That'll give you a pretty good idea of what your man is about.

Science? Mmmm.... kinda. So long as it doesn't interfere with preconceived notions from childhood, specifically those predating October 11, 1962.

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For some reason, Mr. Connell gets a pass from many.

Because he has a flair for writing. If you drill down it doesn't hold up but it impresses those easily impressed.

So, some of us are, what...simple?

Dude, not kewl!



I'm sorry Mike, in no way did I mean to infer that you were easily impressed [:-bigeyes. Wasn't my intention at all.

If that were the case you'd be singing my song (something that has never happened).

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By the way mate, didnt realize you were british but wasn't it one of your own who stated "for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction" I beleive Isaac Newton if my memory serves me correctly.Why would there not be repercussions for Putting things in an unatural way into our atmosphere, whether it be tommorow or 1000 years from now?

I do believe that Caoimhín is from the Emerald Isle.

So is my Grandfather - and that means?

He likes Guinness!

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