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Recently I was approached by an organization called SecureTrac that apparently does lease verification and equipment inspection for banks and other lenders. Has anyone ever heard of this group or did anything like this? Would make a nice "filler" in slow times if legitimate. Thanks, Dave

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Fillers are nice but? I haven't heard of your company, however, we have worked for similar ones (I think). The ones we worked for wanted 24 hour service, which means you can't use them as a filler they demand to be a priority. I have also found that they don't pay very well.

So check them out closely and ask the right questions, like;

Turn around time?

Order procedures?

Payment schedule?

Oh ya and are 3 diffrent people going to call you 6 times in the same day to get the status on the same inspection order?

You can't get the work done if you are answering the phone all day long.

Good Luck,


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