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Holmes on Homes

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  • 1 year later...

Hi Guys. I wrote an original article about HonH and got alot of hate responses and your jealous replies. You can read my original at http://contractoredmonton.com.

I have been a Carpenter/Contractor for 30+ yuears in Canada and the US. Have My Red Seal In Canada and was licensed and bonded in Oregon until I moved to Vancouver to build sets for the Movie biz.

I watched one of his inspection episodes and could only stand 5 minutes of the ignorance. You guys have a valid beef. Contractors have a valid beef. It is definitely show biz, money and ratings driven...Period.

I would not give a crap about how people perceive what you write. Your not in this forum to please people that have no idea what the home inspection biz is about. They love Mike. That's all. Just write the truth.

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  • 2 years later...

Mike meet his Waterloo ! As it sometimes happens you hit a bad one in the building biz. I have building homes for 39 yrs and I had it happen to me just before I retired.But Mike's was a two story home that had foundation problems and wound up costing the company's a ton (millions) to get out of the deal and it is not done yet. I have a friend inside the production company so I get a inside legal look at what happen. I could have happen to any builder. They finally took the house down started over and hit more problems, then law suits, then more problems. If it want for his holyer then tho mouth I would not have stuck my two cents in but I did testify about the legal network that hurt his image over this disaster. He took a load of money out of his own pocket to make it go away but it is still hanging over his head and with the 73 people out of work on his production company the tempers are now heating up over who made the mistake. I must admit he did every thing he could to rectify the problem but sometimes you can only do so much. He is his own hero but he does try !

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Estarr - Why does your comment make me think yuu may be from China or somewhere else beside NJ? I know Mike Holmes is sometimes critical of home inspectors and therefore home inspectors are often critical of him; however, your comment has no substance and I don't get your point.

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