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I am taking my "baby" up to SeaTac on the 28th to deposit her ona plane headed for Rome. She is studying abroad for a semester (why wasn't this offered when I was in school - (all I got was an all expense paid trip to Viet Nam in '67)). We are spending the night somewhere around the airport and I wanted to take her out for dinner that night. Any suggestions on good seafood restaurants fairly close to the airport from some of you local inspectors? I know of some good ones in Tacoma but I really don't want to fight your traffic all that much since I will have just driven from Portland. You can e-mail me at "oregonwest@comcast.net" with any suggestions that pop up. Thanks much for the help. Paul Frey



She's the best Korean chef on the planet. Unfortunately, I'm way north of the city while SeaTac is way south and getting here is a traffic hassle.

I've never stopped at anything except a Micky D's or a Burger Whopper when I'm down in the SeaTac area, so I can't be of much help I'm afraid.

Rob Jones is down that way. Rob, know of any good eateries around the Airport?

OT - OF!!!



There's an Anthony's Home Port restaurant overlooking the Des Moines Marina. It's not that far away from the airport. They specialize in seafood. We've never been to that particular one, but have no complaints about the ones we have visited. The ambience would be a lot nicer than anything along the airport strip...unless you're into hookers.

Here's a direct link to it... http://www.anthonys.com/restaurants/info/desmoines.html


Thanks to all of your replies. As it happened we went to 13 Coins since she wanted one last burger (I should say "HAMBURGER" since it was $13.00+). She loved it except for the velveta cheese on top! Personally I was pushing for Anthony's but you know how that goes. Overall I would rate the total dinner at a 6 or 7 - other plates were OK (whoever thought we would see a 3/4" rib eye for $30.00 with no salad?) but not great. It was also during the dinner hour / Friday and packed. Service was great so would probably go back if in the area. FYI - the Ceasar salad was fantastic!!

Thanks again for all your local help. Sea Tac is about 300% more efficient than PDX in terms of parking, ticketing and passenger handling!! Not that it was enjoyable but at least not totally frustrating.

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