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Introduce Myself

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Hey all,

I've been lurking for a few weeks and just wanted to say hi.

I must say this board has been most informative and entertaining. You guys have a real passion for what you do and it shows. I'm new to the biz myself. After spending 10 years in remodeling, I decided to make a change. You know the whole smarter not harder theory....

I just want to say thanks for all the great info you guys share here.


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Yo Ben.......

I've been on the HI boards for over a decade, and this one is the most informative AFAIC.

I'm biased toward those that come from trade backgrounds; it's a hands on job, and I think it's important for folks to understand the nuts and bolts of how this stuff goes together.

Bring what you know, and let's hear from you when you've got something to say.

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Hey Randy,

I see you are a fellow snowboarder. I picked it up last year, and fell in LOVE!!! I don't get to go very much.....lack of snow and hills kinda make it tough.

We do get up to MI to see the inlaws every x-mas and I get to go then.

Me thinks you have me confused with brother Michael.

I've never snow-boarded or skied in my life.

I tried break-dancing in high school, though. . .

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