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Holmes Is At It Again - This Time Over Grow-Ops


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I watched it, actually the association sent us a mass emailer. My problem with Mr. Holmes is that he just has a hate on for Home Inspectors. I am only a student in and I can see he is talking out his ass. One man cannot walk into a home and find everything. Should he have found the holes, sure, the mould, yep. Does all of this point to a grow op? I would have had to be there to properly asses that home. But he did it and now millions of people hate HI's...nice editing...

Can an Inspector draw that conclusion, that it was a grow op? The RA didnt disclose, the home owner didnt disclose (jail?). The shots of them standing on the ladder pointing at a very small amount of surface mould (camera editing). I seriously think that 'Market Place' found this family and had Mike come in to stir the pot (no pun intended).

The HI that killed me was the one who looked at the fireplace and was non pulsed by the hole through the floor under the grate , he said 'you dont plan on using it, right'.

'Hey Mike lets secretly have a group of people you hate/detest come into this house and see if they can find the major problem. 5 Inspectors missed it, which then asks the question, how good was the repair job. Each time Mike asked the Home Owner what the HI said. Well I dont care what he said. I want to see what he wrote down, and what they submitted for all to see,,,the REPORT!

I am also a licensed mechanic, so I have gone through this shady mechanic, sleazy , grease monkey parts changer scene name calling bullshit before. I was also a soldier, and because some have done shit that is not cool we all get painted with that brush. Its not fair and all it does is give Mike an open forum

My point, without using Mike, is this. It does not matter what trade you do, there is likely an idiot who wrote and passed the exam. There will also be somone with an axe to grind and they will stop at nothing to get their way of thinking, regardless of accuracy. Makes me mad. Market Place used Mike and this event to demonstrate that Mike wants you to use his HI formula, which would only be useful to the homeowner. The buyer would never be able to have a house inspected to his standard, because if I am selling my house I wont let you.

end rant...................breath

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I would like to publicly appologize for stating here, that I thought Mike Holmes' Inspector show could be a good thing for the industry.

I never considered he would turn this into the same circus of deliberate misinformation and self serving sensationalism of his other sham show.

I hate to say this to the Canadian brethren but, even though he may have been totally blindsided, a president of an organization that large, should be able to handle a reporter better than he did.

The credibility of your membership was openly challenged, and the poor guy had nothing.

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The Board of Directors of OAHI resigned before Christmas...as I am only a student within its ranks, I can only feel that that was the final salvo of incompetance. In-fighting/desention, turf wars and piety has allowed the death warrant be signed...Mike's performance sealed the deal. It appears I am on a rudderless ship....crap.

I would like to publicly appologize for stating here, that I thought Mike Holmes' Inspector show could be a good thing for the industry.

I never considered he would turn this into the same circus of deliberate misinformation and self serving sensationalism of his other sham show.

I hate to say this to the Canadian brethren but, even though he may have been totally blindsided, a president of an organization that large, should be able to handle a reporter better than he did.

The credibility of your membership was openly challenged, and the poor guy had nothing.

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You guys are really being too hard on him!

His new line of Non-Destructive Testing Equipment should be in every home inspectors toolbox. You should really just invest in his new line of inspection tools and quit complaining… then you’ll be sure not to miss anything!


Official Mike Holmes Testing Equipment

Michael Brown

DevWave Software Inc.

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It's not as difficult to find evidence of something you knew to be there. Why didn't they call Mr. Holmes as one of the four unsuspecting targets? If he was on the other end of a sting, would he be as diligent?

Well, the interesting thing about Holmes' Insections is that he doesn't do the inspecting. He hired a bunch of home inspectors to inspect in his name. He still gets to spout off about home inspectors as if he actually is one though.



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It would be good if there was major media attention given to Holmes. Same as NACHI. The silliness of all of it would be exposed immediately.

For the time being, though, it smacks unseemly for a bunch of serious home inspectors to whine about his schtick. He's got backers, and he's going to get bigger before he gets smaller. We ought to develop an approach or position on this thing before it gets really silly.

I do not disclude myself from having a fine whine now and then.

For starters, he doesn't do the job, as Mike said. It's a corporate shell with franchise aspirations.

It will eventually run smack into real people that tell him and his backers to whank off. For now, the type of show he's running on grow-ops is circumstantially, and probably literally, a setup. It's TV. They can't keep up lies forever.

They'll run into the same problems with realtors as we do. Folks and their realtors still run real state, not Holmes. I don't think Holmes is going to tip over the applecart.

What else?

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Mike Holmes is our Bob Vila!

I spent 2 separate weeks chauffeuring Bob around Chicago several years back when he was shooting his bits for Sears in the 80's; can't say as I know him, but I know some fair bit about him.

Scott's statement is surprisingly accurate.

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I just sent off for my Holmes Inspection Flashlight. http://holmesonhomes.com/makeitright/Ho ... ts_id=1344

Only $15.99 (Canadian?). I'll soon be able to see under carpets, etc.

Gee wizz why did I not think about tht sooner, I have a website too. I can sell cheap flashlights and hatts with m logo on them. I bet after a couple of years I'll have enought to buy lunch.

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I doubt that there is not a single media entity that would be interested in blowing this 'Holmes ego' sky high. The media will buy whatever gets the attention of the public, whatever sells. It's just a matter of someone or some association of credibility doing it. Mr. Holmes has lots of exposure. Simply scrutinize it all, pick out the errors he's made, wrap it up nice to make it presentable, and offer it to the media of choice.

It's just 'return fire', is what it is.


Don't be so sure about that. About a year ago, a fellow up in Canada who is an inspector and an engineer tried to expose some of Holmes' BS and he couldn't get anyone interested. If you google Holmes you'll find the guy's article.



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Agreed. Holmes is going to get bigger before he gets smaller.

What we do is boring. What he does is good TV, i.e., vapid, abusive, and completely out of touch with reality.

Non-reality wins out over boring correctness every time on TV.

That's the problem. One can't go at Holmes without sounding like a whining also ran. Folks want a (TV) hero that smashes stuff and plays to their uninformed instincts; they don't want (TV) folks that are boringly correct.

At minimum, he might do good in making folks understand that a good home inspection is expensive. Yes, I know, he drags off half the fee, but if he can get the average fee curve raised so folks expect to pay, I'm happy.

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I asked my wife to listen to the video, since I can't comprehend any sounds that come from a speaker, to confirm what I thought was true. As a result, I now perceive Holmes as dissing only the 4 inspectors who did so poorly, not the entire profession. They were fair game.

I've since deleted all of my previous posts in this thread.


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This is indeed a tough subject. During my entire career I've never bashed a fellow local home inspector. When in the presence of others (Reators, homebuyers and other HIs) bashing a home inspector I typically hold my tongue unless the inspector in question is one that I know and highly respect - then I'll offer my positive opinion of their abilities and work.

I DO, however, have a very low tolerance for conceit, which is to me enough to make me leave a room as quickly as possible. I suppose I figure since we ALL live in glass houses, as soon as I bash someone, I'll do something incredibly stupid.

I don't know anything about Mr. Holmes at all other than what is being posted here, but conceit is always a challenge to endure because the sub-conscious message is always the same - everyone else is inferior...

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Marc, you may have not seen it, but by using Mike in their set up and then the reporter goes over to OAHI offices makes Mike part of it. If only for Market Place to make it point. Thats collusion (spelling?), he is guilty by association, as would you or I if we decided to go along with 'Fifth Estate' style of journalism.

I asked my wife to listen to the video, since I can't comprehend any sounds that come from a speaker, to confirm what I thought was true. As a result, I now perceive Holmes as dissing only the 4 inspectors who did so poorly, not the entire profession. They were fair game.

I've since deleted all of my previous posts in this thread.


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Try not to lose sight of the fact that these inspectors were graded on one thing and one thing only. Whether or not they recognized a grow op, that's it. Not how they performed a home inspection.

I don't see a damn thing in NY state's licensing laws that requires me to identify or report grow ops.

I'm there to report on the condition of the home, period.

Not what I think the previous occupants might have been doing while they lived there.

Good or bad, these inspectors were punked. If there's no requirement for identifying grow ops in Canada, I wonder if they don't have reason to bring suit for defamation or whatever an attorney can dream up.

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