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Why do we need CE?

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I hear that question a lot from many inspectors at conferences. Needless to say, most of them making the statement are what we'd call buckethead inspectors. They beeeatch and moan about the cost, the time and instructors. You have to wonder why they even came!

I make many of the CE conferences in the state and there are many inspectors in my area that I never see. These guys go to the $150 2 day B.S. courses at the local RE School.

Well, I learned the last two days that Wastewater Pumpers and Installers beeatch and moan about CE also. The last two days I took the NAWT Certification Class. I highly recommend this class to anyone, whether or not you're interested in doing septic systems. I never knew there were so many different types of systems out there! I also came to realize just how important a properly operating septic system is! The instructor, Dave Gufstason PhD, was excellent. There were other classes for installers, etc.

It just amazes me the belly aching that was going on about the cost of the classes and the requirment to obtain CE hours to keep thier licenses. I just don't get it.

I took one of my other inspectors along for the training. While there, he came up with a great idea. "Why not ask some of these guys who pump and install systems to ride around and show us the ropes in return when we need a pumper or system repair, we'll know a quality company to recommend."

So we made some contacts and have arranged some OTJ training a day or so a week as our schedules will allow us. If this is as big success as I think it will be, I'll probably try it with other companies such as swimming pool companies, roofers and specialized contractors such as stucco installers. The classes are great but there's nothing like learning from the pro's. Hands on CE.

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Hi Don,

Super! That's a terrific idea and they'll probably be more willing to have you around than another inspection company would because you aren't competing with them. Think I'll get on the phone and see about lining up a pool company myself. I've only seen maybe 4 of 'em in 8-1/2 years, but it won't do me any harm to learn more about them.



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I love going for CE, I wish I could afford to get more. Unfortunately there isn't much in-state here, so I'm usually looking at travel, hotel room, etc. Then there's that whole "dirt poor" thing (unlike "The Donald" [;)]).

I just learned we're gonna have to have a transmission put in the wifes' minivan. That probably did it for Inspection World this time. [:-indiffe

Brian G.

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Brian, mark November 11th on your calender. The notices will go out in a couple of weeks but the Mississippi ASHI Chapter will have a 2 Hour State CE/MRC meeting. Don Norman(ASHI Pres. Elect and ITA Instructor) will be speaking and providing the CE session. Best of all it will cost only $10(might even be $5) to cover the meeting room and light snack food. All home inspectors are invited regardless of your professional affiliation.

Location: Fairfield Inn, Pearl MS (Jackson) Time:6-9 PM

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I LOVE CE. I learn as much in the hall as I do in the session. Every year PRO-ASHI (Pittsburgh) puts on a seminar in September. This year it was for 21 MRC's. So if you put off your CE till the last minute it still counts for the year. Let me know and I'll get you on next year's mailing list.

The instructor makes all the differance. All of them know their stuff but can they get it across is the point. You can't just get a great tradesman to do a seminar it takes practice like everything else.

I like the ride along idea too. Every experience is a good one.

Bruce :)

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Originally posted by DLRambo

Wow - Don Norman coming all the way from up in St. Louis down to Mississippi for a 2 hour educational meeting. Is ITA opening another school in Mississippi or what??

Dan,I have no idea if they are opening a school in MS. But I did hear a strong rumor that Kansas City was in the works!

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Just returned from Falmouth,Mass. Site of the First New England ASHI -NE Convention.

Awsome-- good stuff-- from Friday afternoon to very late sat. night. Can't wait for the next one next year. Spent some quality time with Tom Byrne ASHI#17. awsome!

Super presentation by Shawn McCadden

Mr.Orphanos's Ed. team hit a grand slam.

Too many other education advantages to list.

Note: not all the participating inspectors were from Mass

Jack Ahern --Needham on the Charles [:-banghea

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I wish I could have been there, but I was out of state at an old friend's wedding. Because I helped out a little with that weekend, I can tell you that Jim Orphanos had almost nothing in the way of a team and basically pulled that weekend off by himself. He deserves a lot of credit for it, and I know he's got big plans for next year's event.

The weather was absolutely perfect on the Cape. The only thing that would have made the weekend a little nicer was if the Red Sox could have won 1 of the first 3. But we can't blame that one on Orphanos...

From the bandwagon,

Jim Morrison

Sox Patriots Fan

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Originally posted by Jim Katen

Originally posted by Jack Ahern

. . . Spent some quality time with Tom Byrne ASHI#17. awsome!

. . . [:-banghea

If I remember correctly, Tom Byrne started his company, Professional Property Inspections, in 1959. Damn! Could that be right?

- Jim Katen, Oregon

Having killed many a brain cell in the company of Mr. Byrne, I can assure you that it's correct. The guy is amazing. He can drink any 10 younger men under the table and be up at 5:00 raring to go.

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