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Thanks and Best Wishes to all in 2010

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Hi Everyone,


Sorry I didn't get around to posting the big fancy TIJ Christmas and New Year's greeting this year; but I've been absolutely swamped lately.

You all know how it is - we have to make hay while the sun shines - especially with the alt arm mortgages all about to default. There's going to be another big hiccup very soon and I've been trying to be more ready for it than I was last winter when I damned near ended up camping under an overpass someplace.

Anyway, I want to say that I'm very grateful for all of the great friends I have here at TIJ and I want to wish you all the very best in the coming year. I hope that we all make it through this stronger and better than we've ever been.



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Whew! "Swamped" - a feeling I knew for most of the 16 years I'v e been at this, but not lately. I've been dealing with that bridge overpass thought, in spite of reducing my cost to live by more than 50%.

So, here's to a better 2010 thanks to leaner companies with owner/operators gifted at adapting and thinking outside of the box.

It's a brave new world. But, one good thing - the real estate related professions have undergone a serious economy inflicted "house cleaning" and we've weathered the storm. Home buyers are better off for that increase in quality of services anyway. That is destined to raise the publics appreciation for what we do, based upon what they get.

Well, off to cast my cares upon the slopes with my two sons, Keith and Tim for the first day of 2010.

Best wishes to all!

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