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The Office

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Once a year, around this time, whether it needs it or not, I'm forced to clean up my office as it turns into the cloakroom for the hordes on New Years Day.

As it's finally tidy(ish?), I thought I'd post a picture and encourage others to do the same so that we can see where we spend a good portion of our lives and, I guess, where we post on TIJ from.

So here's mine...where's yours?

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Happy New Year all!

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Ok, I am joining this just so I guilt myself into cleaning my office area. I know there is a recliner in there somewhere that I haven't sat in all year. I will revisit this post once the cleanup has been completed. Of course that may be sometime mid 2010, but I will post more pics[:-party]

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Mine's pretty simple.

The gals in the photos are Liz Phair and Ani DiFranco, both of whom I've met.

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I keep the printer and all the other stuff in the armoire.

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And Spidey and Trinity maintain a constant vigil. The metal sculpture on the wall is by Karen DeSantis, who lives in Boulder. The table is scratched and worn, and one day I'll ask Kurt how to restore the veneer.

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I don't care what my wife told y'all. You ain't a gonna guilt me into cleaning my office. You ain't.


You forget about the hulk up there on the armoire.

Who is the pink guy up there about to push the gray guy off?


That would be E.T. The gray guy is a gargoyle.

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John, Exile in Guyville is buried on my desk waiting to go into itunes. Gotta love the women artists.

A friend of mine went to Oberlin College with Liz Phair. I don't think it's possible to be a man, and to meet her, and not be totally enchanted by her. (In a completely healthy and unweird way, of course.)

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Richard, your office is nice but I've got too much ADD to sit in front of windows and get anything done.

Gary, I've got you beat; at my day job I have a sales desk that looks like that because I'm rouinely working on multiple projects (and I'm hangin' here if I'm not, so it never gets cleared), a kitchen design desk that is similar but has more samples than papers on it, and at home I share a desk with the wife for her biz and the household administration. The home desktop has a laptop, two PCs, a Mac, two printers, bins for the print biz, the home bills, and boy's schoolwork. I get two drawers in the file cabinet.

Jerry, did the former Gov. sell you his desk?[:D] It's very nice but a bit over the top for a guy that explores attics and crawls for a living. Hee, hee.

John, the art deco theme is cool, does it run through the whole house? (I see the door hardware)

Robert, I wish just one of my desks was as clean as yours.

Mark, your secret is safe with me[;)]


Oh yeah, Erby, you really ought to listen to the missus[:-dev3]

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Gary, I've got you beat; at my day job I have a sales desk that looks like that because I'm rouinely working on multiple projects (and I'm hangin' here if I'm not, so it never gets cleared),



I'm going to lie and blame it on deer season.

It's almost halfway sorta cleaned up. Shame on me.

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Richard, your office is nice but I've got too much ADD to sit in front of windows and get anything done.

Gary, I've got you beat; at my day job I have a sales desk that looks like that because I'm rouinely working on multiple projects (and I'm hangin' here if I'm not, so it never gets cleared), a kitchen design desk that is similar but has more samples than papers on it, and at home I share a desk with the wife for her biz and the household administration. The home desktop has a laptop, two PCs, a Mac, two printers, bins for the print biz, the home bills, and boy's schoolwork. I get two drawers in the file cabinet.

Jerry, did the former Gov. sell you his desk?[:D] It's very nice but a bit over the top for a guy that explores attics and crawls for a living. Hee, hee.

John, the art deco theme is cool, does it run through the whole house? (I see the door hardware)

Robert, I wish just one of my desks was as clean as yours.

Mark, your secret is safe with me[;)]


Oh yeah, Erby, you really ought to listen to the missus[:-dev3]

Kinda, sorta, but I'd probably have to describe the house as eclectic. I'm a sucker for all the cool stuff on display in the Rejuvenation Hardware catalog.

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