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Snowboarding on Christmas Eve. The conditions were a dream - no ice, soft snow, sweatshirt temperatures and practically no one there. My son and I had the slopes to ourselves for about 15 runs. A great Christmas Eve...



And, my best bud and son, Keith, who just got his solo flight under his belt last week. In just a couple of weeks he'll be a pilot - I'm only half way there... http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php ... 029&ref=nf

The snow last week pinned this Cessna 150's tail to the ground in a wheel stand at the airport.

Click to Enlarge

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Enjoy this time off. Make the most of it. Life is short...

2010 is bound to be better than 2009! We've all leaned up financially and are poised to turn a profit on far less than in the past. It's gonna be good. Get ready...

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