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Payback for Late Night Jokes

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And Happy Holidays to you Kurt, and all here.

I first saw that picture about a week ago. I don't know where it is from (maybe someone's Facebook) but it was accompanied by an amusing missive...

"Good news is that I truly out did myself this year with my Christmas decorations. The bad news is that I had to take him down after 2 days. I had more people come screaming up to my house than ever.Great stories. But two things made me take it down.

First, the cops advised me that it would cause traffic accidents as they almost wrecked when they drove by.

Second, a 55 year old lady grabbed the 75 pound ladder almost killed herself putting it against my house and didn’t realize it was fake until she climbed to the top (she was not happy). By the way, she was one of many people who attempted to do that. My yard couldn’t take it either. I have more than a few tire tracks where people literally drove up my yard."

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Best I've been able to do is an 11 with no blabs to reporters.

The hard one for me to get is #7 - she's just walking too fast for me to seem to be able to get her with one lick.

Now, if they'd just substitute a rifle sight.......



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