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Looking For Photos

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Hi Everyone,

Looking for a little help here. I've been asked to teach a class at one of the local community colleges that is sort of a continuing education class for appriasers and real estate folks and/or an introduction to home inspections for those who think they might want to get into the profession.

The teaching part won't be a problem - I'm a retired Master Sergeant and teaching groups of adults is what Army NCO's do best - but the time line is pretty screwed up. Back in my Army days, I used to begin gathering my training aids and preparing lesson plans about 60 to 90 days in advance of the scheduled class. In this case, I don't have that luxury, because the course begins next Saturday, October 9th and will run 6 hours a day every Saturday this month.

So, I'm begging the brethten for help putting together some powerpoint presentations and am asking for as many digital photographs of HI-related stuff that folks can send me.

If any can help, please send the pictures as JPEG images to hausdok@msn.com.

Many thanks,



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I'm interested is seeing other reports as well as hearing feed back on mine. I'd like to make a suggestion, if it's at all possible.

Anyone who sends you a report, link it to a new forum so other inspectors can also view it (with everyone's permission of course). However, make that forum available to only those who send you a report.

What do ya think?


Morristown (no, no)

Succasunna (no, no)

Somewhere (out of the non compete area)in NJ

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That is a good of ideal of setting up a link to to the reports. When someone is thinking about changing reports they could have some to look and and help make their choice.

It would be unfair to inspectors that do not have a way to put their report on a computer to post it here if they where not allowed to view them.

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