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Civility on hold

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That load of crap has been circulating on the interweb for at least 6 years.

I don't know what it's like in Louisiana, but I get worse than that on a nearly daily basis from realtors and sellers. Perhaps our cliched (If I ever figure out how to add the bloody accent mark, I will be soooo proud of myself.) thick hides render us less sensitive than you.

Mikey carped at me a little yesterday, and my puerile side had to lob something in return, but nothing changed as a result.

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Mike, do not allow others to chase away quality as they did with Douglas Hansen or W.J.!

Neither Jowers nor Hansen were run off. Matter of fact, nobody's been 'run off' that I can recall. Guys just come here, stay a while, then move on. Douglas and Walter are both still easily found for anyone inclined to look for them.

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Neither Jowers nor Hansen were run off. Matter of fact, nobody's been 'run off' that I can recall. Guys just come here, stay a while, then move on. Douglas and Walter are both still easily found for anyone inclined to look for them.

Douglas was insulted and left and that is an indisputable fact. He didn't need to have a thick skin as his credibility spoke volumes and didn't need some little piss ant like me getting in his face (or you for that matter). Talk to Mike about it Jim as I know he remembers.

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I get worse than that on a nearly daily basis from realtors and sellers. Perhaps our cliched (If I ever figure out how to add the bloody accent mark, I will be soooo proud of myself.) thick hides render us less sensitive than you.

I'd be proud to tell y'all there are mega webpages devoted to adding characters to your keyboard. Try

http://tools.oratory.com/altcodes.html I did and it didn't work. [:)]

You need to read the instructions twice. Olé!

Now what's all this about rendering hides? Didn't you'all kill off all your buffaloes?

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Please identify any recent posts containing "sharp criticisms and negative comments".

Thank you.

That load of crap has been circulating on the interweb for at least 6 years.
I chose the phrase "load of crap" in response to a story about "shipments of manure". If I thought someone wouldn't recognize my attempt at being humorous, I would not have posted it. When I criticize or intend to offend anyone, it's been much more audacious.

Bill Kibbel is nothing short of brilliant.
Uh nope. I just learned a lot about very little. It's 'cuz I have an unusual curiosity of old building materials and methods.
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(And any other relatively new members)

If I might gently suggest a course of action for you, it would be this: hang around here a little longer and learn how the individual members think (and respond) to various posts before assuming that they are acting in less than "civil" ways. You'll find that some guys tend to be very direct. Unlike some other forums, you can be assured that in most cases that's 'cause they know their stuff. They'll pretty effectively tell a poster that they are full of $hit when they are; that's especially true if the crap-burdened member persists in trying to spread it around. Some are decidedly more delicate or diplomatic, (at least initially) but the intent to educate and improve fellow inspectors is the same, and it's an admirable goal. TIJ is a great resource; I consider it the best form of non-credited CE time I have available to me.

At some point, I may actually contribute something useful to others.[;)]

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Neither Jowers nor Hansen were run off. Matter of fact, nobody's been 'run off' that I can recall. Guys just come here, stay a while, then move on. Douglas and Walter are both still easily found for anyone inclined to look for them.

Douglas was insulted and left and that is an indisputable fact. He didn't need to have a thick skin as his credibility spoke volumes and didn't need some little piss ant like me getting in his face (or you for that matter). Talk to Mike about it Jim as I know he remembers.

Right. I just don't think either man would characterize their exit from TIJ as having been 'run off'. I suspect that they both see it as having got fed up and walked away. They just decided this place wasn't for them anymore. Haven't we all done that at one time or another? I agree with you that we would all be better off if Douglas were still contributing, and he knows that the door is always open.

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Curious, is there a forum software that works with these little cameras that attach to your monitor?


Whew, That's all we need, Marc... the addition of scowls and hand jestures. [:-bigeyes

Before you know it members would be so fired up they'd be ready to drive clear across the country to choke one another. [:-banghea [:-shake]

I've never been able to even consider something akin to "skype" the whole notion freaks me out.

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I just happened upon the link to this forum, I have only been in here for a short time. I know I am not the smartest person in the business and I want to get all the knowledge I can from everyone here. That is how we all get better. There is nothing more humbling than to find out that what you thought was right turns out to be not so right. I am reminded of a saying that a person a lot smarter than me told me once " Don't assume the person your talking to is as smart as you are, they may be smarter " I have been wrong before and will be wrong again, the only person that was perfect walked on water and was crucified. If everyone agreed with everyone we would all become stagnant in our knowledge and the industry would suffer.

Just my opinion from a new member.

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