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Greater Devopment Agency Interoperation

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Today in any city in Kerala, the cost of land constitutes 50 percent of the total building cost. Consequently, access to land is a pre-condition to increasing the housing stock within the state; this can be achieved only by direct intervention of the government at the state level and the central level. Better coordination between the state agencies involved in housing development and the central institutions is the need of the hour.

In a long drawn out process, the state governments must identify suitable land and after acquiring and developing the land the same should be made available to the prospective house builders. If the supply and demand in land gets balanced, then the land price would definitely come down. Moreover, there should be a uniform land policy throughout the country.

As already mentioned earlier, the Central Government must take immediate steps to amend the Urban Land Ceiling and Regulation Act and its implementation should be backed up by efficient machinery so that the excess land acquired under this Act is released for housing. If the governments both at the center and the state take the initiative to provide Properties in Kerala at affordable prices then individual houses as well as group houses can be rapidly developed on the initiative of the private sector. This illustrates amply the responsibilities that lie with the public and the private sectors in housing development.

In cities like Kochi, the land values have already touched record highs. The highest value for properties in Kerala can be seen in Kochi and that too in the busy Marine Drive and the M.G.Road. Corporate Kerala has been rattled by the news of land transactions in this two localities having touched more than one crore rupees for a cent. Even an apartment in Marine Drive is now being offered at a price tag of more than one crore rupees per unit.

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