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Where do you get yours from?

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I need some help. I am starting a new marketing/ Branding campain for the new year. Does anyone have a good place to get some marketing materals from and unique suggestions on what to give away to people. I am looking for interesting things that people can actually use and or want to hold on to. I will be marketing to Realtors, Clients Etc.....

So far I got Sun glass clip that goes onto your car visor, pens, pads, a screen/ keyboard cleaner for computers and laptops. been thinking about a hand sanitizer. with all the swine flue talk and the news saying you should keep washing your hands I figure it is a good idea.

I know you guys can help me.[^]

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The most effective marketing tool you have is you! What you want to do, is make whatever sacrifice is needed to get a Realtor or Home Buyer to actually try you! It isn't about pens or brochures as much as it is about what you deliver. That is the ONLY thing anyone will ever remember about you.

There are a lot of home inspectors that concentrate upon being funny or entertaining on site. Rest assured all of that quickly fades away with only one fact remaining - either you DID or DID NOT do a good job.

And the real irony is that if you did a good job you MAY be remembered and referred to others, but if you didn't do a good job, you become IMMORTAL - they never forget you. [:-bigeyes

Save your money on gimmicks and spend it doing what is necessary to get people to give you a try.

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

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The most effective marketing tool you have is you! What you want to do, is make whatever sacrifice is needed to get a Realtor or Home Buyer to actually try you! It isn't about pens or brochures as much as it is about what you deliver. That is the ONLY thing anyone will ever remember about you.

There are a lot of home inspectors that concentrate upon being funny or entertaining on site. Rest assured all of that quickly fades away with only one fact remaining - either you DID or DID NOT do a good job.

I do agree. I am not looking to be gimicky. I unlike a lot of home inspectors around here don't have the time to be passing through offices every few weeks to restock candy jars and give them more note pads. I'm not a stationary store.

I can't tell you how many times I've had people or realtors say to me that they lost my number or didn't have the company name right or any cards in the office something to that effect. So they want to use me again they just don't have the contact info handy at the time.

I want to give away something that they will want to hang onto that will keep my name handy without having to give them something multiple times or have to stop into the office( where no one is ) and stock card holder and brochures ( that no one uses ).

I have the WIN chocolate guy, NPI with the note pad and pen on every desk in every office I have ever been to. The House Masters with the huge budget and marketing team that has the time to put into the offices. I don't want to do that. I ask people about them and they say " I don't know them, that stuff is just here". That is not effective marketing or branding. They already are a franchise name, they need personal recognition.

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I have one guy here that used to be A Pro Home inspections. Some how he got out of his franchise and is still able to do home inspections ion the same area. The way I knew it was him was he used to use his infared camera as his marketing" we see more period" with infared images on his cards and website.

Suddenly a new company popped up called " Inspector Gadget " with the same we see more tag line. When I called him and asked if he was the same as the A Pro he said "yes, I'm the funny guy tall with salt and pepper hair". I said ok..... Funny looking guy maybe[:P]. How much do you charge now. I was amazed that he charged what he would have made off of an inspection after he paid franchise fee. Why would you leave an established name and brand to make the same money.

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  • 8 months later...

Ken Compton seems to have lots of marketing ideals, some of they are free advise if you sign up on his email list. Some of their ideals are prestty good though. I just am not fully convinced they are all are for me at a fee yet. Your can Google his name and get in on some of his free marketing interviews. I listen in from time to time to get some advice.

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