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Forensic Building Technician

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I have seen various reports where home inspectors have described the report as a Building Inspection Report vs. a Home Inspection Report.

Maybe we need to change the name of our job from Home Inspectors to Forensic Building Technicians or Forensic Construction Specialists.

Elevate the profession by using a more elaborate name. What say you? Any other names you can think of?

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How 'bout:

Construction Investigative Analyst

Domestic Edifice Advisor

Forensic Building Investigator

New Construction Inspection Specialist

That way we get to wear those cool navy blue jackets with the big yellow letters on the back.[:D]

I left out ATF because I happen to like alcohol, tobacco, and firearms just the way they are, sometimes I enjoy them simultaneously.[:-monkeyd


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Sounds like fluffing........ Construction Technician isn't bad......

"Forensic" means:

1. pertaining to, connected with, or used in courts of law or public discussion and debate.

2. adapted or suited to argumentation; rhetorical.

It's use should be limited to investigations of that sort. Not everything we do is forensic-ally oriented.

Building Inspector is fine, but whenever I say that, folks think I'm a muni guy.

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I've never liked "home inspection" as a name. A house isn't a home until someone thinks of it that way. I don't think about it that way; it's a structure to me, not a home.

I like Property Condition Report. PCR.

I like that too Kurt. [:-thumbu]

Except that term is used to name the product of a Project Capital Needs Assessments (PCNA) or a Property Condition Assessment (PCA), as defined by the ASTM standard for a lame walk-through survey.
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How 'bout:

Construction Investigative Analyst

Domestic Edifice Advisor

Forensic Building Investigator

New Construction Inspection Specialist

That way we get to wear those cool navy blue jackets with the big yellow letters on the back.[:D]

I left out ATF because I happen to like alcohol, tobacco, and firearms just the way they are, sometimes I enjoy them simultaneously.[:-monkeyd


Not to hijack the thread, but I thought this was funny. I recently saw a guy wearing one of those "cool navy blue jackets with the big yellow letters on the back."

OK...OK, it was a t shirt. But there were smaller letters underneath DEA that said "Drinking Every Afternoon."

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