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Service lateral support

Robert Jones

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Hey John,

From that angle it might look a little low, but it was sufficient above the driveway. The mast/weatherhead, which is installed on the edge of the roof line, does extend approx 2 feet above the shingles. I didn't think to get a shot of the mast/weather head. Probably a mute point to my question, due to the fact that the service panel(Magnetrip) will need to be replaced, and the service drop/lateral will need to be updated as well.

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This "anchor" did have some play to it, so why not just install the original support? The roof was recently replaced. Lazy roofer?

The whole point of the mast is to elevate the service drop cable above the roof. Attaching the drop to the roof and then running it up to the top of the mast sort of misses the point.

- Jim in Oregon

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That connection is very typical of 1950's PSE type connections around here.

Though their own manual forbids that connection today and mandates a mast high enough to ensure the cables are at least two feet above the roof and the drip loop is no closer than 18-inches, they frequently hook up to those old setups anyway. It encourages the damned cut-rate roofers to continue to renail those stupid mounting blocks and anchors to roofs or just flash and shingle around them.

I write them up all the time and I'm sure that other inspectors do too; but until PSE gets serious about refusing to hook up to setups like this the practice is going to continue.



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