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Electrical Units & Their Namesakes

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Studying for the Extra Class Amature Radio License and an a lot of it is electrical principals followed by electronic circuits and components. It's a lot of fun actually. Anyway in the ARRL (American Radio Relay League) 2010 Handbook, Comprehensive RF Engineering Reference, there was a bit of trivia that I thought might interest some here.

Unit -- Measures -- Named For

Ampere -- Current -- Andree Ampere 1775-1836

Coulomb -- Charge -- Charles Coulomb 1736-1806

Farad -- Capacitance -- Michael Faraday 1791-1867

Henry -- Inductance -- Joseph Henry 1797-1878

Hertz -- Frequency -- Heinrich Hertz 1857-1894

Ohm -- Resistance -- George Simon Ohm 1787-1854

Watt -- Power -- James Watt 1736-1819

Volt -- Voltage -- Alessandro Volta 1745-1828

Now you're ready for Jepordy.

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