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Flashlight Advice


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Hey guys. Im in the market for my first "good" flashlight. I have been using 3D mags, there ok, but they are not that bright and the switches keep going on them. I want to get a rechargable light and Im doing my best to find a good LED so i dont have to replace bulbs once a month. Do you guys have any experience with the streamlights out there? I was looking at the Streamlight® Stinger® HP C4® LED - AC & DC Fast - 75785... Any thoughts?

here is a link: http://www.streamlight-flashlights.com/ ... 75785.html

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I have four Streamlights. I hate them all. They're the least dependable flashlights I own. I have a 5 watt LED light that was made in Korea. I know that because that's all the light says" Made in Korea" and it's better, more rugged and more dependable than the Streamlights I now rely on as back-ups to my $30 Korean light.

I should have left my Streamlights in the piece of crap Ford truck I sold last year. I wish I thought of that; it would have been the perfect accoutrement for a truck that got stuck because the drive wheel was parked on a wet newspaper.

That way, if the truck got stuck in the dark, the new owner of the truck that won't go up a 5% grade if it rained in the last month could have put the Streamlight under the tire for traction after the switch failed or the batteries exploded.

They could then try to take a picture of the whole fiasco with a Kodak 1012IS only to later discover that the flash is focused about two feet above the intended subject matter.

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I have 2 ultra stingers with the standard bulbs. I bought the 1st one when I started up 5 years ago and when the battery stopped holding a charge, 1-1/2 years later, I replaced the battery and bought a the 2nd ultra stinger.

I find them to be very dependable and super bright. In 5 years I've had to replace 2 bulbs and 2 batteries, which I think is very reasonable considering the amount of use and abuse they go through.

Each unit came with a home and car charger. During the warm months I keep one unit in the car charger, and during the colder times I keep both units in the home chargers. Works for me.

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Based on Kurts glowing review of the Fenix TK11, I bought one. It's ridiculously bright, batteries last a long time, and it seems to take abuse well. I got a pair of lithium batteries and a charger with mine - when the battery starts to weaken (after about 4 inspections) I just swap it for its twin and I'm all set, no need to hang the whole flashlight in a charger overnight.


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I have two ultra stingers. They charge in the truck. Sim plying swapping them between inspections keeps them going strong. I replaced 1 battery in 4 years. Water got to it. I was using the light to direct parking at church one rainy night. The need to replace the bulb has been directly related to hard bumps while the light is in use. They fail shortly after a drop.

I wound up with two when I replaced the one I thought I lost. My daughter had borrowed it and left it in mom's car. I quietly purchased another before finding the one in mom's car. Of course this was a few weeks after I purchased a new one to replace the one that rolled off of my bumper. It seems that is where I left it when I was packing up after my am inspection to drive 90 miles to an afternoon inspection.

They serve me well. If I would only loose one of these I'd HAVE to look at a Fenix.

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Another nice thing about the Streamlights (I have an Ultrastinger and a Stinger LED) is you can get 'em fixed for free at the factory. Last week I dropped by Streamlight HQ in Eagleville, PA, to drop off both for repairs -- the light module in the 2-yr-old LED, the switch and lens in the 4-yr-old Ultra. The counter man took both, no questions asked, and handed them back 10 minutes later with all defective parts replaced -- free. Whoa. Nice warranty.

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For the past few years, I've been using a pair of Stinger HPs. I mostly like the size & weight. They fit my hands, don't pull my belt down too much and are very rugged.

I tried Brendon's Fenix a while back and found it just too darn small.

When I need brightness -- in attics & crawlspaces, for instance -- I use a 3 watt cheapo light that I picked up at Home Depot for $16. It easily last long enough for two inspections, but begins to fade on #3. I may try a little surgery on it per this video:

- Jim Katen, Oregon

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If you'd like to accidentally mail one of them to me, I'll be sure not to return it so that you can get that Fenix. While your at it, accidentally send the other one to Cory.


Don't forget the chargers[:-dev3]

Well if you must know.....

I had a client do a crawlspace with me about a month ago. It was in a city about 50 miles south. Want to guess where I left his light! On the bumper. The home seller gave it to his agent who called me. Go figure.

Sent the lady a priority mail box full of bubble wrap, a label with my address and postage to put on the outside of the box. No gift, coffee card or anything. She sent the light back anyway! Go figure. Fenix Fenix Fenix Fenix (Oh, what did I say dear? nothing)

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Another nice thing about the Streamlights (I have an Ultrastinger and a Stinger LED) is you can get 'em fixed for free at the factory. Last week I dropped by Streamlight HQ in Eagleville, PA, to drop off both for repairs -- the light module in the 2-yr-old LED, the switch and lens in the 4-yr-old Ultra. The counter man took both, no questions asked, and handed them back 10 minutes later with all defective parts replaced -- free. Whoa. Nice warranty.

Local cop shop performs the warranty here. Of course, It helps that they sold all 3 to me!

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I'd love to hear from anyone who's used the Fenix TK11 (R2) for more than a day or two who does not like it, or use it as their primary flashlight. A lot of flashlights have been sent into retirement because of this masterpiece.

I picked up a back - up flashlight that has the same bulb as the Fenix, and uses the same batteries for about 12 bucks on- line. I haven't touched my Mag's since my purchase.

I tried Brendon's Fenix a while back and found it just too darn small.

Jim, I never told you that I had the flashlight set to low during that inspection (didn't realize it since I wasn't doing much). Maybe you would have thought it was bigger with the blazing sun shooting out of the tip.

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I picked up a back - up flashlight that has the same bulb as the Fenix, and uses the same batteries for about 12 bucks on- line.

What is it? Got a link?

Reason being, I don't really need the "tactical" features of the Fenix; I'd just like another teeny little light that was cheap.

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How do you guys carry them around? Does it have a ring or do you just put it in your pocket? I use a tool pouch and i like being able to just throw it in and out of its ring.

The holster that comes with the Fenix sucks. That's pretty much universally agreed upon. I made my own, some folks use cell phone cases, on occasion I've just kept it in my pocket.

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Hi Kurt,

Here it is for 19.99. I'm pretty sure I paid less, but can't find the info. It was so cheap that I probably just threw away the receipt, or deleted it. Reviews look pretty good, but.....

I don't use mine that much (dislaimer). The switch must be fully depressed/ clicked on to get the light to turn on-- that annoys me when I want to get a quick flash of light.

Also, as you will see on the reviews, the battery fits loosely; I think this is why my light flickers at times. I'm sure I could fix that quite easily, but it's a back up flashlight that I've only used around the house so I haven't messed with it.

It's 19.99 with free shipping at the site below:


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