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Manufactured home questions....

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I inspected a manufactured home today. It was installed in 2007, but is yet to be lived in. I admit that I don't spend nearly as much time studying up on manufactured home installations as I do site built, so I have some questions.

OR's building code for manufactured homes is here, for anyone interested: http://www.bcd.oregon.gov/programs/mdpr ... 02mds.html

1)I've noticed that on the last couple of manufactured homes I've looked at (both newer), there is only GFCI protection within 6' of a water source in the kitchen. I can't seem to find anything specifying where GFCI protection is required-- anyone know where I can look?

ANSWER: 3280.806 Receptacle outlets.

(a) All receptacle outlets shall be:

(1) Of grounding type;

(2) Installed according to section 210–

7 of the National Electrical Code

(NFPA No. 70–1993).

(3) Except when supplying specific

appliances, be parallel-blade, 15-ampere,

125-volt, either single or duplex.

(b) All 120 volt single phase, 15 and 20

ampere receptacle outlets, including

receptacles in light fixtures, installed

outdoors, in compartments accessible

from the outdoors, in bathrooms, and

within 6 feet of a kitchen sink to serve

counter top surfaces shall have groundfault

circuit protection for personnel.

Feeders supplying branch circuits may

be protected by a ground-fault circuitinterrupter

in lieu of the provision for

such interrupters specified above. Receptacles

dedicated for washer and dryers,

also located in a bathroom, are exempt

from this requirement.

2)The front door threshold sticks up 2 1/4" above the interior floor surface. I can't find anything in the code listed above that specifies the max. threshold lip. I'm sure this is wrong, and would like to cite the 1.5" rule, but would like some back up. Even if I get documentation showing that this is ok, I will still mention that I think it's a trip hazard.

3)The skirting installed is James Hardi panel siding material. They ran it directly in contact with the ground at landscape and hardscape areas. This is wrong per the manufacturers installation instructions, so I would guess that it is technically not allowed by the manufactured housing code. I vaguely remember reading something about this in the code listed above, but haven't found it yet.

This is from James Hardie:

Can I use Hardipanel as skirting material on a mobile home? A: Yes. However it needs to be installed in accordance with our written installation instructions for Hardipanel siding in regard to framing, joints, paint and installation above ground.

4)There is no cold water shut off valve at the water heater-- is one not required?

Any help for the above questions/ concerns would be greatly appreciated.

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You're better off going directly to the HUD site (http://www.access.gpo.gov/nara/cfr/wais ... 80_08.html) if you're going to look up the construction standards. HUD does not update the standards on a fixed schedule like most building codes but whenever they feel the need to.

The section you quoted 3280.806 references the 93 NEC but the current HUD standards references the 2005 NEC;

§ 3280.806 Receptacle outlets.

(a) All receptacle outlets shall be:

(1) Of grounding type;

(2) Installed according to Article 406.3

of the National Electrical Code, NFPA

No. 70–2005.


HUD references the AAMA standards for windows and doors.


Skirting is not covered by the HUD standards,


§ 3280.609 Water distribution systems.

(b) Water outlets and supply connections

(1) Water connection. …

When a master cold water shutoff full

flow valve is not installed on the main

feeder line in an accessible location,

the manufacturer’s installation instructions

shall indicate that such a

valve is to be installed in the water

supply line adjacent to the home. …

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AAMA Standards fot MHs

It's in these standards that you'll find the size requirements for egress windows (5 sf) and sill height (36"). You will not find them in the HUD standards.


Voluntary Standard for Utilization in Manufactured Housing for Primary

Windows and Sliding Glass Doors

This performance standard sets the requirements for primary windows and

sliding glass doors used in manufactured housing. The requirements

contained herein are intended to set a reasonable performance standard that

is acceptable to fulfill the requirements for primary windows and sliding glass

doors within the manufactured housing industry.


................................................. Download – $25.00 (Member Price: $10.00)

......................................................... Paper – $50.00 (Member Price: $20.00)

.............................................................. CD – $55.00 (Member Price: $25.00)

Voluntary Standard for Utilization in Manufactured Housing for Swinging

Exterior Passage Doors

Contains general requirements, testing and certification procedures, materials

and methods, and construction requirements for swing exterior passage doors

used in mobile and manufactured housing. Revised 10/02.


................................................. Download – $25.00 (Member Price: $10.00)

......................................................... Paper – $50.00 (Member Price: $20.00)

.............................................................. CD – $55.00 (Member Price: $25.00)

Voluntary Standard Egress Window Systems for Utilization in

Manufactured Housing

General installation, operational and appurtenance requirements; test

methods; and reports and certification for egress window systems.


................................................. Download – $25.00 (Member Price: $10.00)

......................................................... Paper – $50.00 (Member Price: $20.00)

.............................................................. CD – $55.00 (Member Price: $25.00)

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