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Mine dropped off sharply just after school started. Just a few beeps and blips since, I'm on life support. The good news is I've gotten some things done at home and I'm now free to try to get some other marketing ideas off the ground. I'm setting up for a mailing to area attorneys today.

Still, I wish the phone would ring.

Brian G.

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I'm glad there's no work, it gives me time to check in here like thirty five times a day and feign an interest in organizational politics. When I get busy I'm blocking my access to certain websites. Scott P and Chris Prickett quit cold turkey, so can I.

My yellow pages ad comes out soon and I'm hoping the catchy slogan of "hire me, all the other inspectors suck" will drum up some business. Until now I haven't even been in the phone book.

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Originally posted by Chad Fabry

I'm glad there's no work, it gives me time to check in here like thirty five times a day and feign an interest in organizational politics.

I don't mind the "no work" part, it's the damned "no money" part that bugs me.

When I get busy I'm blocking my access to certain websites. Scott P and Chris Prickett quit cold turkey, so can I.

I'd like to call to order this first IWA meeting, Inspector Websites Anonymous. I'm Brian, and I'm an addict.

My yellow pages ad comes out soon and I'm hoping the catchy slogan of "hire me, all the other inspectors suck" will drum up some business. Until now I haven't even been in the phone book.

You'll probably think I'm joking, but not too long ago I seriously considered changing the name of my business to "Mr. Picky Home Inspections". It's not like anyone in real estate around here doesn't know, and I think a lot of people would remember that better than "AccuSpec" (Hey, aren't you Mr. Picky?). Being remembered by the general public covers a lot of ground. Just think of the fun I could have with my advertising. But then there's the fact that I'm first in the yellow pages as it is.... I still haven't entirely ruled it out.

Home inspection can be downright tricky,

So smart buyers call Mr. Picky!


Mr. Picky reminds you:

You can pick your home inspector,

And you can pick your nose,

But you can't.....

Well, you know the rest. [:-crazy]

No, wait...!

You can pick your home inspector,

And you can pick your nose,

But don't let your realtor pick your home inspector (or his nose)[:-dev3]

Brian G.

Mr. Picky hisself [:-magnify

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How 'bout "The Retentive Inspector - We're downright anal about the way we inspect!"


obviously, we're all pretty bored today.

Hey Chad! Don' be incitin' everyone to go AWOL or I'm gonna have to fly to Noo Yaak and talk to the Mongo Brothers about sending a 'representative' to Raachester to "tawk to yoo."

OT - OF!!!


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Originally posted by Donald Lawson

Mr. Picky...I like that. I may have to steal that from you for the next HI business I start!

Will a six pack of LoneStar and a BBQ sandwich cover the royalties?

SOLD to the Texan in the corner! No pickles though.

Just think what you could do with TV ads. You could co-opt the whole used car / new furniture genre.

"Hi folks, Mr. Picky here again with another great offer just for YOU!"

(hot actress / wife) "No honey, don't give away any more of our wonderful inspections, we can't pay the power bill now!"

"Well I don't care, I'm here to make the folks a great deal on a great home inspection! I tell you what I'm gonna do today, a FREE smoke detector for the first 10 clients who sign up for one of our top-notch inspections, FREE! And I'll give you $10 off if you say 'I'm pickin' Mr. Picky!' Howz'at?"

"Oh no, we're gonna starve kids!"

"Now what would you pay? But wait, there's more! For the first five to sign up I'm gonna throw in a set of these here steak knives!"

"Little Donnie, call that nice bankruptcy lawyer for Mommy, okay?"

"Don't mind her none, just pick up that phone and dial 1-800-MR-PICKY, for a heck of a home inspection PLUS a free smoke detector AND a set of brand new steak knives! And don't forget to say "I'm pickin' Mr. Picky!" CALL NOW!!!"

Brian G.

Marketing Genius

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What do you think?

I'm thinking about adding this somewhere to my web and marketing materials or something along these lines anyway:

If your looking for the HONEST answer to your home or business structure I'm the to call. If you need to hide or omit things, please call my competetors.

It's been a long day. LOL

Have a GREAT new week all.


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Originally posted by Idaho Joe

What do you think?

I'm thinking about adding this somewhere to my web and marketing materials or something along these lines anyway:

If your looking for the HONEST answer to your home or business structure I'm the to call. If you need to hide or omit things, please call my competetors.

It's been a long day. LOL

Have a GREAT new week all.


While it may be true, the commonly held opinion is that one generally comes up on the short end of the scale in the eyes of the beholder when one brings negativity and slurs aginst one's competition into the advertising formula, but good luck anyway. It works for politicians.

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Originally posted by crusty

While it may be true, the commonly held opinion is that one generally comes up on the short end of the scale in the eyes of the beholder when one brings negativity and slurs aginst one's competition into the advertising formula, but good luck anyway. It works for politicians.

It depends on how it is presented.

If you go out and say "Jo Blo Home Inspections suck because their bucketheads and their moma's a Ho", then yeah, I'd agree with you.

If you point out your strong points while showing the Client why the competition is not as qualified as your company, it can work very well.

"Yes, we're code certified and professionally licensed, many home inspectors in the city are not, you'll want to check on that no matter who you hire."

or one of my favorites...

"Cheap inspectors often know less and do less, that is why they're cheap. Our inspectors are code certified and professionally licensed and we'll be at the home as long as it takes to make sure it's done right."

It's all in the presentation baby! [:-graduat


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A risky tactic, Chad. I hope it pays off for you.

We've been slow for the past 2 weeks, then all of a sudden, the phone is ringing off the hook today with people who say that they can't find an inspector to work this Friday because of Rosh Hashanah.

I don't remember this specific phenomenon happening to us before, though it is most welcome. Anyone else out there notice something similar?

Yom Kippur is next week, so I might be too busy to sign on again for awhile. In any event, I'd like to applaud our Jewish brethren for observing their Holy Days by not working and I'd like to take this opportunity to encourage every inspector in MA to follow suit in their own way. It'll make you a better person and it might give my young ones a shot at going to college.

For the non-religious: You call yourself a football fan?, prove it by taking Mondays off in the Fall to prepare for the evening sacrifice. Love your pasta? Wednesday is Prince spaghetti Day, so why not take the day off from work and make some homemade gravy for your scungilli?

You know you don't enjoy Must-See-TV after a long day of work. You're just a zombie!! If the folks at NBC can go to the trouble of putting together a night of quality programming (with minimal commercial interruption) for you, the least you can do is take the day off to prepare. What's the matter with you anyway?

I know you all think a lot about homebuyers and want to make sure they are well cared for in your absence. Don't worry, we'll handle everything. Just observe your observances and I'll take care of the rest...

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Originally posted by Jim Morrison

We've been slow for the past 2 weeks, then all of a sudden, the phone is ringing off the hook today with people who say that they can't find an inspector to work this Friday because of Rosh Hashanah.

Mine started ringing today too, now that the hurricane is on its way now to make the schedule more complicated.

Brian G.

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