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Hey all,

I'm new to this biz, but something really threw me a couple of weeks ago. This was the second 'interesting' client this realtor has referred my way. Starting to get a feeling about him...

Anyway, during the pre-inspection call I reminded the customer that all utilities need to be on, pilots lit if any, and anything to be inspected must have ready access. He said "well, there are several padlocks around the property, but my realtor said you would just bring bolt cutters and take them off." I really felt bad for the poor buyer. I told him this was not his or the realtor's property to make that kind of request and that my insurance carrier would absolutely not abide by that action.

I then called the realtor and let him know personally that this isn't standard for an HI. He asked what it would take for me to do it. I said a letter directly from the current owner giving permission and I'd be onsite with my cutters. The buyer ended up having it done (himself, I'm pretty sure actually).

Did I handle this correctly? Suggestions? Thanks for the help, guys.


Grant Jones

All Seasons Inspections


I wouldn't ever tell an agent that I'd bring bolt cutters.

The place is supposed to be prepared for inspection before you arrive onsite. Once I'd corrected the client and called the realtor to straighten him out, I'd have told the realtor that it was his, the owner's and the listing agent's responsibility to have the home prepared for inspection, not mine.

I'd just tell him that if it's not prepared for inspection when I show up I won't be inspecting it.




Hi Grant,

The agent is way off base! If the house has padlocks on it then the owner is most likely a Bank or HUD. Truth be known, I have only seen padlocks on gargage doors.

I bet the agent has also said that you will turn the water on at the meter! This is a NO NO if you are in Metro Nashville, Franklin, Murfreesboro and a few other locations. You can receive a nice little ticket for about $200 for turning the water on at the meter if it has been turned off by the municipality.

  Scottpat said:

Hi Grant,

The agent is way off base! If the house has padlocks on it then the owner is most likely a Bank or HUD. Truth be known, I have only seen padlocks on gargage doors.

I bet the agent has also said that you will turn the water on at the meter! This is a NO NO if you are in Metro Nashville, Franklin, Murfreesboro and a few other locations. You can receive a nice little ticket for about $200 for turning the water on at the meter if it has been turned off by the municipality.

Thanks for the feedback guys. This was a bank-owned house and they never got the letter from the bank. There were padlocks on the gate, crawl hatch, and an exterior odd little addition the previous owner did so they could dry their clothes outside. Fun. I've had to stand my ground already on turning on water and lighting pilots, but this just seemed too crazy to not share.

Thanks again.

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