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The furnace on the premises is pink, a decidedly feminine color. All furnaces should be male gender as the Germans recognize the fact w/ "der brutofen".

"Der" is a decidedly male gender and always prefixes brutofen unless it plural in which case "das" would be used. Das is gender neutral. In no case would "die" be used which is feminine. So, someone made a girl furnace and that attitude is showing through.

Most furnaces that are green or blue or brown are decidedly male and would never fail in this manner.

I blame June Cleaver for the phenomena whose famous quote "Ward you were awfully hard on the Beaver last night" has immortalized her and her too feminine ways into society's eternity. Her prevailing feminine attitude led to other pink appliances as well, but most of those have failed already in finicky fits that both defy repair and explanation.

Normally, I'd recommend that an experienced HVAC tech be called to identify and rectify this situation, but given the nature of failure and the improbable likelihood that the problem is repairable, I suggest that you go out and buy a nice blue, green or brown unit to replace the defective unit in the home.

Until such time as that can be accomplished heat and air conditioning will be un predictable and prone to fits and outbursts due to the inhabitant's lack of compassion, their self centered attitude and poor listening skills.

It's just too late for flowers or candy.

Bite the bullet and go buy a new furnace. Say it like Ward Cleaver: "yes dear"

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Sorry Chad but the German language doesn't care what we veruckt Amerikaner think. The plural for der Brutofen is die Brutofen, as in, "Er verkauft die Brutofen, die, nur einen Tag vorher ankommen sind." (He sold the ovens that had only arrived the day before. (There need to be some umlauts here, but I don't know how to make 'em on this keyboard.)

OT - OF!!!


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In case you haven't figured it out,...

My preceding post indicates how "tuned in" I am to everything around me. Still can't figure out what the "Whoosh" was that I heard when I was reading Chad's post. You guys have got to take a little pity on me and be a little less cerebral.

I wonder. In the context of today's vernacular, would Joan Cleaver's remarks above be edited out of the same show today or be restricted to FX?

OT - OF!!!


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