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Warranty & maintenance inspections

Terence McCann

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Two part question.

Where would one find a list of newer homes in their neighborhood that are approaching one year old?

I have a generic tri-fold that I distribute but I want to customize one that focuses on one year warranty inspection as well as maintenance inspections. If any of you guys have already done this and would mind sharing some of the verbiage you can email me at hlis@adelphia.net

All right, a three part question, do you charge a regular fee for these?

Many thanks in advance!

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We do quite a few 1 year warranty inspections. For the last few years I've been putting together our mailings. Most states separate new construction homes and existing home sales when they are sold and logged in at the county. You then pick out the new home sales from the previous year for the month you want. I like to send mine out at the 10th month. Earlier and they forget you, later and they may have found someone else. I send out a letter and brochure simply because there is a lot of competition in my area for this niche. This has upped my return as compared to just sending a letter or brochure.

I'm now starting to help other inspectors in other states market their 1 Yr. warranty inspections (yes, for a fee). Email me if you'd like more info.

I'll have to check, but I think that OH is one of the states that does not separate new and existing home sales for taxation purposes. That makes it tough to target strictly new home buyers although you could market you maintenance inspections to these people.


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