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College Football at Last

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This weekend kicks off the season and I am sooo ready to soak some up. My MS State Bulldogs have a new head coach and no way to go but up after the last two seasons. We're gonna get a lot of press this year due to Coach Crooms being the first black head coach in conference history, the media loves drama. I feel sorry for the guy having to answer those same questions over and over again. I'm told the first week on the job he threw the starting running back and two other guys off the team, something about them not getting the "head coach calls the tune" part. My kinda fella.

And so the Great Prognosticator will make a bold prediction (or two). State will have a winning season and finish no worse than 2nd in the SEC West (LSU is loaded again). If LSU or Georgia doesn't play for the national title, Crooms wins coach of the year in the conference.

They're on ESPN at 5:00 PM Eastern against Tulane. I'll eat early.

Any of you other fans want to speak up for your boys? They gonna do anything this year? [:-footbal[:-footbal[:-footbal

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I'm with you.I have been waiting for college football to start again.I was looking forward to the FSU-Miami game this weekend but the storm has it post-poned till later next week.Miami has been the roadblock between us and the National Championship more than once.

Of course I'm also optimistic the Jaguars will have a great year.

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What did you think of Miami joining the ACC? I thought it was a real bonehead move by Miami and a disaster for FSU. Now they will play every year, one will put a loss on the other, and the loser has little chance of a title shot. I think they both had a far better chance the way it was.

Well MS State got the W. 1st quarter to State but no score, 2nd to Tulane but no score. They both looked very "1st game" in the first half. The 2nd half was pretty much all State except for one long pass. The media guys harped and harped about Coach Crooms the whole game, endlessly fascinated by the portent of history. Somehow media guys never seem to know when they've said enough.

Hey Konrad, where are you Cornhusker Boy? I hear Nebraska threw some forward passes today, a real revolution for the Big Red Machine. [;)]

Brian G.

High on My First Fix of the Season...Ahhhh

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How about Utah, they beat up on Texas A&M pretty Good. (I know, I know, they’re not Miami or FSU but they still looked pretty good.)

BYU, well they beat Notre Dame (They even played Notre Dames fight song fairly well.) but they have always been able to win the opener. They just need to end the season after the opener. (Speaking of Nebraska, the "Y" has several transfers from the Huskies, I believe they were a good addition.)

Problem with Utah is they have a week schedule and will never be able to prove how good they really are. They’ll win this conference hands down and may even work up a sweat.

Oh well, I guess I will have to settle for my favorite powerhouse. I am an Oregon fan.


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Hi Jon,

Yeah, Franchione is looking less and less like a genius at A & M, and A & M more and more foolish for paying him all that money. I don't think A & M was supposed to mean Anemic & Mediocre. [;)]

BYU gets my vote for the goofiest jersies this year, hands down. Who the heck came up with those? [:-paperba

Brian G.

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We took our eight year old son to a college game on Saturday for his birthday, he has become a fan of Ole Miss. How, this has come about I am still trying to figure out. I went to the University of Houston and my wife went to the University of Kentucky, his sister is at Texas A&M and my father played ball for Mississippi State!

Anyway, this was my first time to attend a game at Ole Miss and I was shocked at the amount of alcohol freely flowing around the campus. The big thing at this school is tailgating with a flair. Fans set up tents decorated to the hilt and many professionally catered. All have adult drinks flowing quicker than the sweat down my forehead and with little disregard to who is being served.

Another thing that I noticed and I have no idea if it is common at other schools(I know it is not at Mississippi State), but I have never seen so many folks spitting, on the grass on the sidewalks, on the street and in the stadium. I just could not believe what I was seeing, it made me wonder if Ole Miss has a Spitting 101 class and this was part of the homework for the weekend!

Anyway the game was so so with Memphis dominating the game with first downs. Memphis 20 Ole Miss 13

It think I am going to stay with the Dawgs! (Mississippi State)

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Just got power back Friday after the storm went by.My DSL connection has been intermittent.This is the first time I've been able to send a messsage.

I agree Miami and FSU in the same conference is not a good idea.It looks like even worse idea after FSU lost Friday night.Our quarterback can be great at times and then turn around and do something really stupid.This is his last year so hopefully the next quarterback will bring back the Charlie Ward type offensive.

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I think it was 51 - 0. That's two poundings we've had to take from Top 10 teams in 3 weeks. I guess I was overly optimistic about how fast the new guy could turn it around, but the schedule is murder in the SEC. We still have Alabama, Florida, and Arkansas left to go, all tough. Watch out for Arkansas if you have them on your schedule.

I'm holding out hope we may be able to turn the corner along the way this year, but we haven't had our last beating.

Brian G.

Stickin' to My Dawgs, Dammit! [:-dog]

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