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A Bald-Faced Solicitation For Help From You All

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Hey everyone,

We're about to debut a new feature that will post to the home page. It's going to be a moderated forum and will consist of a single photo of an inspecton issue with a caption that reads something like, "Can you see anything wrong here?" or something like that. Beneath that photo will be an arrow inviting the reader to click on the arrow in order to answer. That takes the reader to the actual forum, where they see the picture again and find out that they need to click 'reply to topic' to send their answer, and informs them that the answers, which will be cloaked until the next week's photo is posted, will be revealed next week.

This is essentially finished, but what I need is a title for this new feature. Not being a very creative person, I'm struggling to come up with something that really fits, so I thought I'd ask you guys. It has to be something that will fit in the center title bar on the front page and should leave no doubt in the reader's mind what's going on. How about helping me out you guys?

By the way, if any of you have digital photos of hard-to-see tricky defects, and you'd like to challenge your contemporaries to find them, send them to me via email as jpeg attachments, so we can keep this new feature supplied with fresh and challenging stuff.



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"See the Photo, Find the Defect"

"Name That Defect" Photo Quiz

"Detect The Defect" Photo Quiz

I'm gonna stop. That last one is my favorite. I wish I could think of a good way to use "The Defective Detective", but that sounds like the HI is the problem. Damn good novel and/or movie title though.

You could also substitute "Problem" for defect on the first two.

Brian G.

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